Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After all , despite his backward views about the wrongs of women , he really did work very hard for his poor patients !
2 The Rushdie affair , touched off by Muslim reactions to the publication of Salman Rushdie 's Satanic Verses and reaching a crescendo in 1989 when Ayatollah Khomeini called for Rushdie 's assassination , revealed irreconcilable views about the duties of government in the face of blasphemy .
3 However , regardless of views about the benefits of legislation ( and this remains , as we shall see , a matter of some controversy ) , the evidence in the 1980s was that simply leaving action to employers had left older workers in an exposed and vulnerable situation .
4 They did , however , anticipate that boards would bring together people likely to have different views about the purposes of boards .
5 And the motion by Councillor Jack Newell went further … also demanding protection for the families of murder victims .
6 It was one of CI5 's many ‘ dirty tasks ’ to afford protection for the lives of exiles , visitors from repressive Governments , and the representatives of Governments with which Britain maintained the most reluctant and tenuous of diplomatic relations .
7 And now each time you breathe out think the word ‘ calm ’ in your mind … each time you think the word calm so the body will relax a little more , become slightly more heavy and sink down deeper and deeper into the chair … and just go on now in silence for a minute or so thinking the word ‘ calm ’ and relaxing the body in preparation for the exercises of relaxation … ’
8 And , he reflected , the same innocence , the same near-perfect regularity of feature , was shared by Mertseger , who lay two paces away in the patience of death , awaiting her preparation for the Fields of Aarru .
9 To stand your ground against brothers and sisters is traditionally considered an early preparation for the realities of life .
10 The North Sea is obviously so shaped that very strong northerly winds can cause a piling up of water in the southern part of the sea , either because the escape route through the Straits of Dover is narrow , or because it is quite possible for the winds in the North Sea to be predominantly northerly while the winds in the English Channel are predominantly westerly .
11 Of necessity , he followed a twisting route through the trees in order to avoid patches of thick underbrush , all the while making sure he never strayed too far from the guiding line of the perimeter fence on his left .
12 All commercial netting was prohibited within the sanctuary , and a ban was imposed on the use of all set-nets within the sanctuary during the months of November to February , thus enormously reducing recreational set-net use .
13 On the other hand there is external inspection , of which most teachers have occasional experience through the visits of HMI , who were charged to ‘ report as you find ’ and ‘ do good as you go ’ .
14 The Part XV code , however , is excluded if there is no element of bounty ( there is no similar exclusion with regard to TA 1988 , ss739 and 740 ) and also income arising to an underlying company owned by the overseas trust would not comprise income arising to the settlement for the purposes of Part XV .
15 The reasons for the declines of mortality and fertility are still not agreed ; nor the relative impact on mortality decline of the conquest of smallpox , the agricultural revolution , or environmental improvement ( Woods and Hinde 1987 ) ; why infant mortality fell in the eighteenth century but not in the nineteenth ; economic versus cultural explanations for the decline in fertility .
16 Leigh concluded that the brooches he considered were the products of a single workshop although there may , yet , be other reasons for the degrees of similarity he observed ; it is these which are actually being assessed , not whether or not they originated from one workshop .
17 Williams had gone to take up a post at Howard University , where at the age of 28 , he began what would become a meteoric rise through the halls of academia , ( Associate Professor in 1946 , at the age of 35 ) .
18 This impressive linear earthwork running east-west is reckoned to be a division between the lands of Mercia to the north and Wessex to the south , and probably dates from the sixth or seventh century .
19 This division between the life-styles of men and women is well documented , but little is known about the precise form or effect of housework attitudes .
20 Their essence — setting up a division between the buyers of health care ( usually health authorities ) and its providers ( often hospitals ) — represents a huge improvement in the running of the NHS .
21 In addition to this general point about theory placing empirical practice into pre-determined boxes , there seems little historical rationale or evidence for this particular division between the types of functions and types of politics which characterize the local and the national state .
22 Your opponent will almost certainly require you to produce receipted accounts for the disbursements in respect of which you are seeking payment .
23 He would bring news of his dealings with Philip III when he arrived in England , and hoped that his English retinue would suffice for Edward 's needs until he knew his brother 's wishes about the nobles of Champagne .
24 The fact that we could only hypothesize via ‘ indicative ’ signs about the natures of things should not lead to discontent .
25 She tells of the struggle between the administrators in Washington and the scientists in the laboratories .
26 With such ambiguous structures , characterising any debate on how to improve them as a struggle between the principles of self-regulation and statutory regulation is unlikely to add to anybody 's understanding of the issues .
27 The swastika lozenge ( at North Hill and Box ) or swastika in a tilted square ( Culver Street ) is a common motif ; as are triangles ( hollowed at Rapsley and North Hill ) , reversed and used as fillers for the spaces between lozenges .
28 There may well have been planning permission for the activities in question in those cases .
29 In place of the school-based , or perhaps consortia-organized , profiles of the 1970s and early 1980s , there was an increasing tendency for profiling schemes to become more formally institutionalized in either a local authority context and/or in relation to an Examination Board for the purposes of validation .
30 If the film presented an image of typically English virtues — independence of spirit , toughness , sympathy with the underdog — or put the case for the ideals of freedom and parliamentary democracy , then the filmmakers could have the stock they needed , and the necessary artists would be released from the ranks .
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