Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 again which they 've had have n't they ? , for how many weeks in the year do you actually attend cos I said that you do n't get grant for the holidays and it stipulates the term
2 Pa has given special permission for the godparents and me to stand inside at the Jonah window , while he does the immersion outside .
3 I 've seen the plans for the houses and they 're peculiarly insensitive — more suitable for Milton Keynes . ’
4 And I , si there was a concentration camp for the Italians and they were really smashing to us !
5 Now what has happened in the last decade or so , through the advent of radioastronomy , is that we 've discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they 're just chock a block with very intriguing molecules , many of which are just the sort of things we would expect to be in the prebiotic soup .
6 It means money for the clubs and we have a tremendously committed and talented unit who genuinely care about the game . ’
7 The safety gates have made a big difference , since I 've gotten them erm I 've got peace of mind for the stairs and I can answer the phone and I have n't got to like keep trying to pull them downstairs and do do different things .
8 There should be a decent gap between the columns and it is often useful to place a vertical line in the middle of this gap , so physically preventing the eye straying from one to the other .
9 This will necessitate a visit to the local newsagent for the papers and you will have to ask your new next door neighbour if she or he can give a note to the milkman for you or contact the local dairy yourself .
10 Frank soon became a prolific scorer for the Reserves but he graduated to the first team as the ideal foil to the great goal-scorer , Peter Simpson , having begun by deputising for the master when Peter was out injured .
11 Mr Airlie conceded that there might be some residual animosity towards the electricians but he did not envisage any problems in taking the union into the TUC .
12 Er so we wrote to the heads of the schools and they were quite willing to accommodate er us and then I found out that er Muslims are already taking assemblies for a few years .
13 The wind passed over them and rustled the bare branches of the trees and they still stood .
14 The police must have carried out a very thorough search of the premises and she said , threw the book at my client .
15 He wandered about this neck of the woods and he was quite harmless , he was fond of children .
16 The Socialists have been unable to clinch a similar deal with the Greens but they have now announced that they will unilaterally pull out their candidates in favour of better placed Green candidates in the second round .
17 As director of the British Museum ( Natural History ) from 1919 to 1927 , Harmer 's equanimity enabled him to have good relationships with the trustees and he steered the Museum smoothly through a difficult time with tact and judgement .
18 He goes for walks with the boys and they talk about fishing and tractors . ’
19 ‘ It 's put the shits up the middle-classes and it will stop them spending , which is what we want , ’ he said .
20 The English government maintained a small military force in the islands but it was not large enough to guarantee the English population against slave revolt or foreign invasion , and the settlers had to make an effort on their own account as well .
21 Such genetic diversity was indeed present , because there was visible genetic polymorphism within the populations and it was shown ( M. J. Lawrence , personal communication ) that there was considerable genetic variability both in quantitative characters and in polymorphism at two enzyme loci in populations immediately adjacent to the permanent quadrats .
22 Groups like the Welsh Language Society and the Free Wales Army were said to be training freedom fighters in the mountains and he was barracked everywhere he went .
23 Now are aware that are losing the agency stuff therefore services should improve generally but this is mostly and the business travel , you know duty travel , cruise positioning that sort of thing , to the extent that erm and two of the ops people paid a visit to last week for a liaison meeting and one thing that I thought was absolutely remarkable that came out was in respect of complaining that they could never get through to anybody in erm in , they could n't get a reply from the extensions and they could n't send messages or anything .
24 Similarly We , Us , Our can refer to the protagonists in the poems but it can also describe the opinions or reactions of mankind at large ( 59 , 60 , 116 , 118 ) .
25 ‘ There was no loss to the stores but it could have caused a few problems . ’
26 Bonanza Boy , one of my old favourites , has been a remarkable horse over the years and I am a touch sad in having to desert him for a horse I consider to have a better chance .
27 She 's got a great big outside on her slag over the windows and it 's all lit up
28 Combine it with the cheap , readily available heroin and cocaine on the streets and you have an explosive mix .
29 Sixty-four years ago , when I was a small boy of eight , there were very few cars on the roads and we went everywhere by train .
30 The van would arrive every evening to give food to the homeless living on the streets and she was serving up the soup when she saw a man sitting in the doorway .
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