Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj] years ' " in BNC.

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1 But he also showed a striking interest in international developments , particularly the progress of the Protestant cause in France and Germany during the Thirty Years ' War .
2 He served with both Horse and Foot in Germany during the Seven Years ' War , an experience to which he often subsequently referred .
3 How can we allow the commercial hunting of whales when they could be starved of food because of ozone depletion in a few years ' time ? "
4 forbidding the use of capillary fittings containing lead-based solder on pipes supplying drinking water ( see Chapter 2 ) n changing the size of flushing cisterns used with WCs ( to come into effect in a few years ' time — see Chapter 8 )
5 Mention the economic and social sequelae , the effect on the Hundred Years ' War when soldiers , too , fell victim … the weakening of England 's hold on territories in France .
6 A lively portrait of Albert and the literary and musical aspirations of his circle is contained in Günter Grass 's The Meeting at Telgte which also provides an evocative and credible background to the horror of the Thirty Years ' War .
7 They were also important military remittance contractors during the Seven Years ' War .
8 He seemed to hear the gravelly voice of Cameron-Hyde the one-eyed history master discoursing on the origins of the Thirty Years ' War .
9 White further asserted that a basic theological harmony was restored in the 1630s after England 's withdrawal from the Thirty Years ' War , and concluded by declaring that the so-called rise of Arminianism was merely ‘ a puritan alibi for repeated failures to impose rigid predestinarian doctrine on the Church of England ’ .
10 The motion called on the chamber to reconsider the issue in a few years ' time .
11 Further , more local , threats are posed for the sake of a few years ' supply of raw materials .
12 She is in fact already a teacher of a few years ' experience , with one class in her own village of Strathkinness in Fife , and two more in nearby St. Andrews ; she has even more experience as a traveller , having for some time regularly made the journey to Edinburgh by bicycle and train to attend training Saturdays with Rita Quick and Monday recreational classes with Muriel Jessop , and during the last two years undertaken the long trip south to take part in Aston Clinton weekends .
13 It is quite impossible to believe that he will fade from the scene on formal retirement in a few years ' time .
14 The exuberant rush of ecclesiastical building was a byproduct of the Thirty Years ' War , which interrupted the German Renaissance and delayed the arrival of the Baroque until two generations after its origins in Italy .
15 Without pilots gaining experience at the lowest level , we will be shaping up for another chronic pilots shortage in a few years ' time .
16 The dissolution of the monasteries by the French in 1809 was the violent culmination of a twenty years ' campaign .
17 The company 's chief executive , Dr David Horrobin , said that employment could be expected to increase if progress continues and the products are licensed by the Government for clinical use in a few years ' time .
18 Within minutes of the disaster , Blairman 's offered me a desk and telephone , Mallett 's provided porters and storage for the 60 years ' accumulation which had to be out of Mount Street in two days .
19 It was Gwynne who in 1696 proposed the introduction of a loyal association , in response to revelations about the assassination plot , and who in 1698 led the inquiry into clandestine trade with France during the nine years ' war .
20 Even during the later years of the reign , when Europe was embroiled in the early stages of the Thirty Years ' War and James 's MPs were calling for active English intervention on behalf of Protestants abroad , there were very few complaints in parliament about the state of religion at home .
21 In 1333 he rallied the men of the Cinque ports to defend the country during Edward III 's absence in Scotland and through the early stages of the Hundred Years ' War was inevitably caught up in coastal defence .
22 Douce 111 is a fifteenth-century manuscript that seems to have remained in France until being obtained by the nineteenth-century collector , Douce , and it has been deduced that the Middleton manuscript was taken as plunder from the French town of Laval during the later stages of the Hundred Years ' War , between March 1428 and September 1429 .
23 It was through their influence that Goodricke was appointed as minister-resident to Sweden in 1758 ; he had to wait in Copenhagen until 1764 before the Swedish government resumed diplomatic relations with Britain that had been severed at the outset of the Seven Years ' War .
24 Already in Britain there are plans for putting into communication the computer-based personal information systems of DHSS , the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Centre , the Police National Computer and the Inland Revenue ; and the embossed plastic cards with unique machine-readable numerical identifiers which are now issued automatically to all school-leavers to mark their entry into the National Insurance scheme will in a few years ' time be , in effect , national identity cards .
25 As with the merger in 1977 between the then Institute of Bankers and the Savings Banks Institute , the latest partnership will in a few years ' time look entirely natural .
26 There is also a copy here of the Black Madonna of St Foy , brought from Belgium during the Thirty Years ' War .
27 By 1648 , at the end of the Thirty Years ' War , Catholicism held total sway .
28 It has been speculated by Smith that this idea might have been suggested to Bourgelat by the Earl of Pembroke ( 1734–1794 ) , a cavalry officer in the Seven Years ' War .
29 If you die within five years of retirement , most schemes pay the balance of the five years ' pension as a lump sum .
30 The results come hard on the heels of a forecast by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency , who says he is confident that a series of factors will lead to a ‘ relaunch ’ of nuclear power in a few years ' time .
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