Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [det] than the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think they can make a much more plausible case for this than the invasion of Grenada [ in 1983 ] or the Dominican Republic in the Sixties , ’ said an American university law professor , Mr Robert Goldman .
2 There are plenty of dealers who can offer you a computer for less than the price of a Dell , Elonex or a Dan ; but will the support be as good ?
3 It was held that since the dealer had sold the car for more than the price Mr. Wright had agreed to pay , he had suffered no damages at all .
4 Valuable metal , plastic , cardboard , rubber , energy go in at one end ; Trabant cars worth less than the sum of these parts emerge at the other .
5 nothing in this Condition shall limit the liability of the Carrier to less than the sum of £10 ;
6 You feel him imagining himself as the last rock of culture and civilization being swept over by a wave of barbarism and Jews ( communism and commercialism ) , the saviour of more than the Constitution , the saviour of all that has been culture , the snob of the West .
7 Every year we buy his work for more than the year before and every year we sell for more than the year before 1991 being no exception .
8 Many people whose films have been lost have taken the processors to court , winning compensation for more than the cost of the film .
9 That will certainly mean a slightly smaller , lighter car with an engine of less than the present 6.75 litres .
10 A FAMILY of four can enjoy a healthy diet for less than the Government 's estimated £10 a person a week , according to a new recipe booklet from The Sugar Bureau .
11 The essential reason for obeying the sovereign power was that keeping it in power was inevitably better for the security of each than the chaos of civil war , or a society without government .
12 No nation quite so much as the British likes its art to tell a story ( witness the pictures of Victorian England ) and no nation went overboard quite like the British to buy the Vung Tau cargo ; but with French , German , Italian , Dutch and Taiwanese buyers sharing out these decorations of the age of William and Mary , we must assume that the ‘ shipwreck factor ’ in these prices appeals to more than the nation which owned the Titanic and whose schoolboys read Mr Midshipman Easy and Moby Dick .
13 He noted that the government commission which he had established to investigate the Parys affair had paid more attention to this than the commission later appointed at Walesa 's request [ see p. 38881 ] .
14 gon na take forty five percent of our business at less than the cost to do the job , that do n't make good business sense .
15 Some have therefore concluded that such a tax deduction system would increase the flow of revenue to charities by more than the tax loss and hence produce an increase in social service provision .
16 He sank down , head awhirl with more than the knock .
17 The result is that ordinary motorists can now pick them up at the more respectable auctions for less than the price of an everyday family car .
18 The probability is low for it to move a long distance at more than the speed of light , but it can go faster than light for just far enough to get out of the black hole , and then go slower than light .
19 If you can do business each week for less than the price of a TV licence , the government has a deal for you .
20 With regard to the need for direct and close contact , I do not think that we could have had a clearer example of that than the visit of President Yeltsin and the very straight talking between my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and the president .
21 It is well known to every hon. Member that under the old system , councils could put up rates by more than the rate of inflation .
22 The devaluation of the inti for the month of October was restricted to 6 per cent overall ; exporters were to receive 10 per cent of the value of their exports in foreign currency and 45 per cent in freely redeemable US dollar certificates , while the remaining 45 per cent would be paid in intis at the single exchange market rate ; import restrictions were eased ; to protect the silver sector against the continuing slump in prices since 1989 on the world market , the Central Reserve Bank was to buy silver at 5 per cent over the current market price ; fuel prices would rise by only 5 per cent in October , and public utility rates by less than the percentage rise in salaries , which themselves would be increased in accordance with inflation .
23 Worse , they and the new land against which loans were secured declined in value in some cases to less than the amount borrowed , forcing lenders to foreclose .
24 ‘ Perhaps it was the Friar , ’ the thin man said , scarcely less alarmed by the thought of this than the thought of the unspecified ‘ they ’ .
25 Equally , the court can not normally order the grant of a new tenancy of more than the holding .
26 Just as the new conceptual artists have more passion than they were at first credited with , so many of the new painters amount to more than the sum of their supposed influences .
27 The draftsman should ensure that any licence fee or sub-rent is taken into account in the calculation of the tenant 's turnover ; indeed , he may think it appropriate to cover the contingency that the tenant grants a licence of part of the demised property at less than the market rate .
28 Here the commission could dispose of land at less than the market price .
29 The Secretary of State may not increase the NNDR from year to year by more than the increase in the Retail Price Index .
30 As we announced in the Budget , no one 's Uniform Business rate will go up this year by more than the rate of inflation — 4.1 per cent .
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