Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ While you provide the contrast as a proper femme fatale . ’
2 Managers say that prudent lending and a close knowledge of local people are the reasons for a 34 per cent leap in net profits .
3 If that 's the big success that everyone predicts , Donington could keep the European Grand Prix and emerge as a rival to Silverstone when the latter 's contract for the British Grand Prix runs out in l996 .
4 A planned budget for 1991 estimated at $80,000 million contained provision for a 15.7 per cent rise for the social sector and one of 41.2 per cent for the controversial National Solidarity ( Pronasol ) anti-poverty programme [ see below ] which had a budget of $1,000 million in 1990 .
5 I intend to concentrate on provision for the 18 per cent unstatemented pupils who remain in mainstream schools but who , as Warnock reminded us , have special needs .
6 I wish to make a simple plea about the 20 per cent .
7 Mr Parkinson recently signalled ministerial concern by blocking BR 's plans for a 14 per cent fare rise in February .
8 About to join a battle royal with Britain and Germany over his ambitious plans for a 30 per cent increase in the EC budget , the last thing Mr Delors wanted was more tales of bogus food exports .
9 In contrast with the opposition 's plans for a 15 per cent " consumption tax " , there would also be personal tax cuts , giving three-quarters of taxpayers a top tax rate of 30 per cent , totalling A$3,400 million in 1994-95 and A$5,200 million in 1995-96 .
10 Pavelka/Gots lead the men 's K2s into Old Windsor Lock during the Royal Grand Prix marathon .
11 The listing , which is to raise £4.8m through a 38.5 per cent placing , will give the club a market capitalisation of £13m , worth about the same as Tottenham Hotspur , the only other English football club to be publicly owned .
12 Hopes of the Economy Minister , Domingo Cavallo , for quick progress in talks begun in January over the Argentina 's foreign debt received a setback in mid-February when creditor banks rejected his requests for a 40 per cent cut in the country 's US$31,000 million commercial bank debt , under the terms of the 1989 Brady debt reduction plan [ see pp. 36541-42 ] .
13 I 've had two letters , one from Mrs Pauline Oliver of March , Cambridgeshire , and one from Mrs Brenda Mitchell of Shipley , West Yorkshire , about accessories for the Zippy De Luxe .
14 The Steelworkers , financing their programme through a 1 per cent levy on union dues , provided training for reps in fighting union-busting methods in the early 1930s ; by 1985 , they had developed a full two-day residential course on ‘ Facing Management ’ , which includes introduction exercises , and a role play ( ‘ Handle with Care ’ ) on productivity bargaining ; the course also looks at Japanese management methods , quality circles and technological change .
15 The wartime alliance had been followed by an occasionally hot ‘ cold war ’ and then , from the 1950s onwards , by a cautious search for a limited modus vivendi .
16 ‘ We used to have to go to them all and raise funds for the old Alma Mater .
17 Zanardi , who partners Johnny Herbert , is still recovering from his huge practice shunt at Spa-Francorchamps in practice for the Belgian Grand Prix and is not expected to be given the go-ahead to race .
18 One of the main facilitators for community involvement is what has become known in I B M as the ten per cent scheme .
19 Oil and petroleum workers threatened industrial action in support of demands for a 310 per cent salary adjustment , for an end to plans to privatize the state oil company PETROBRAS , and the reinstatement of 800 colleagues dismissed in government cutbacks .
20 IG Metall had opened region-by-region negotiations in this sector on March 4 but employers rejected demands for a 9.5 per cent increase , offering instead 3.3 per cent .
21 The commission failed to support French demands for a 30 per cent higher minimum prices for imported fish .
22 The most serious industrial disruption was a strike by 1,700 miners in Morocco 's largest coalfield at Jerada , 450 km east of Rabat , which began in mid-December 1988 with demands for a 20 per cent wage increase .
23 The surge of inquiries for new cars after the five per cent tax cut in the Budget was subdued by election uncertainty ; it should now become a flow of firm orders .
24 In fact it took a series of political blunders on Callaghan 's part to spoil Labour 's chances of being re-elected , faute de mieux , as the responsible and sober ‘ party of government ’ : the seemingly endless postponement of the election while the party 's parliamentary position crumbled , requiring the prop of transparent chicanery ; the unenforceable wishful thinking of the 5 per cent pay limit , the last straw for the unions .
25 Other attacks included : ( i ) an explosion at the offices of the French Banque Nationale de Paris in Athens on March 10 , 1989 , which a group calling itself Revolutionary Solidarity claimed was in support of the French urban guerrilla organization Action Directe ; ( ii ) a bomb attack on April 10 on a judge 's apartment in Athens for which the May 1 Revolutionary Organization claimed responsibility and threatened to attack any judge supporting the extradition to the USA of Muhammad Rashid [ see p. 36667 ] ; ( iii ) a bomb attack on the Justice Ministry on June 1 and on three government offices in Athens and Piraeus on June 13 for which the Revolutionary Popular Struggle ( ELA ) claimed responsibility ; ( iv ) car-bomb attacks on three US vehicles near Athens on Oct. 22 in which four Greeks were slightly injured and for which ELA claimed responsibility ; ( v ) a car-bomb attack on March 19 , 1990 , which injured a former senior British Petroleum executive ; and ( vi ) attacks on 12 cars belonging to East European and Arab diplomats on March 27 , for which an organization called Social Resistance claimed responsibility on behalf of the " vested rights of Third-World countries " .
26 THE RESULT of the Spanish Grand Prix will not be nullified , even if an appeal by Nigel Mansell on his exclusion from it is successful , the president of FISA , the sport 's ruling body , said yesterday .
27 Mr John Prescott , Labour 's transport spokesman , condemned government transport policies , saying signalling staff cuts were a direct result of the 51 per cent cut in BR finances in the past five years .
28 Meanwhile , the Government was heading for more conflict after its confirmation of a 1.5 per cent public-sector pay rise led to protests from teachers and health workers .
29 In essence , this book is a detailed , synthetic study of the fourteenth-century Sala dei Nove in Siena , the fifteenth-century Camera Picta in Mantua and the mid sixteenth-century Sala Grande in the Palazzo Vecchio of Florence .
30 Neutralisation still had conservative connotations ; it would encourage the stabilisation of the political status quo in the country or region concerned and impose restraints on the unilateral pursuit of Soviet interests at a time when national liberation movements were achieving success with Soviet assistance .
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