Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [adj] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There are a number of reasons for this which could take all day to expound , but the main reason and the one I shall elaborate is that industrialised agriculture nearly always consumes more energy than it produces and is living off capital in the form of fossil fuels .
2 Given the extreme economic crisis , the end of which is not yet in sight , it is left-wing socialist parties in particular which may become very strong in the future , on condition , of course , that Russia continues to respect democratic freedoms and the rights of the individual .
3 This will be supplemented by a series of intensive studies of technical change and the division of labour since 1979 which will form part of a wider international project into these issues .
4 ‘ The Bill provides no genuine concessions at all which might protect pools jobs , ’ he said .
5 The draft budget cut by 15,000 units the plans for public housing construction in 1992 , but the Housing Ministry on Sept. 7 publicized details of a major housing construction plan for 1992 which would see the creation of a new belt of housing around Jerusalem and 12 new Jewish towns inside Israel , along the border with the West Bank .
6 ( The elements of these which would reduce costs — such as the better transport system , the cheaper access to all kinds of services and so forth — are elements of agglomeration economies . )
7 This was due to the fact that Wilkinson had invented a boring mill in 1774 which could bore out cannons to very fine limits .
8 The Greek Telecommunications Organisation , OTE , is expected to show a record $700m pre-tax profit this year compared to $400m in 1992 , Reuter reports from Athens : ‘ It will be a record profit allowing us to invest heavily in the modernisation of Greek telecommunications , ’ a government official said , adding that things would improve even more with OTE 's partial privatisation — the government has said it will sell 49% of OTE this year with 35% going to a foreign phone company ; it plans to invest about $1,000m in 1993 which will include 350,000 new digital lines , the transfer of 220,000 existing lines , many new digital centres and digging up 2,800 miles of trenches for cables .
9 What the doctrine actually achieves is a middle way of a rather different type to that which may have originally been conceived .
10 The possibility of some form of compilation report has been mooted , but there is a strong case against this which may prevail .
11 And as I said , I spoke to the supervisor , switchboard supervisor , Di Combes , when we were setting up the course , and asked her what sort of things she would like to put across at a course like this which would make the switchboard 's job easier .
12 First , any traditional mistrust of credit as such which may have inclined people towards its close regulation must be dissociated from a practical concern about genuine risks of abuse , exploitation or harmful confusion .
13 What was decided in regard to the applicant Handscomb was that where the first review date predicated an equivalent determinate sentence well in excess of that which could have been imposed under established sentencing practice , there was impugnable unreasonableness .
14 In his review of man , vegetation and the sediment yields of rivers Douglas suggested that little account had previously been taken of human influence and his studies of rates of erosion in a wide range of climatic conditions in eastern Australia suggested that the present sediment yields are far in excess of those which may have prevailed in the geological past .
15 Police reports alleged that raids on Ershad 's residence after his arrest on Dec. 12 [ see p. 37907 ] had revealed assets in excess of those which could have been expected from a presidential income , as well as large quantities of unlicensed firearms .
16 Although further research would be necessary to establish the extent to which sexual practices which limit the risk of HIV transmission overlap with those which would prevent transmission of hepatitis B virus , the rise in hepatitis B infection reported in homosexual men is also suggestive of increased unsafe sex in this group .
17 This , more developed , scheme outlined the much criticized recommendation of setting up an inner Cabinet of five which would carry out the needed programme of economic reform .
18 Take particular trouble with any which might present you with difficulties and have a credible reply worked out to sidestep -problem areas .
19 He played Bobby Dupea with explosive sensitivity , as a promising musician who rejects a career to become an oil-rigger ; a rebel who , like Nicholson himself , had the chance of taking a particular course in life which would have provided him with comfort and stability , but chose a different route to that which might have been expected of him .
20 We may note that although Moore thinks that in some sense what one should do is what looks most likely to be one 's duty in the sense of that which will produce the best consequences , it is unclear what meaning he can ascribe to this ‘ should ’ .
21 The purpose of C1 is to allow the flow of a.c. ( i.e. the audio signal ) , but block the flow of d.c. which would upset the voltage at pin 3 .
22 It suggests not only that prevailing approaches to the subject involve the selection and presentation of knowledge which legitimates the status quo and the omission of that which might challenge it , but also that the very organisation of the curriculum into discrete units militates against the asking of the sorts of questions that might indicate that the world could be different .
23 Lord Callaghan , the former Labour prime minister , called for an all-European conference through a revival of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Helsinki in 1973-1977 which could mark the beginning of what he called ‘ a new Concert of Europe ’ setting a new political framework .
24 For historians the politics of information involve creating and sustaining attitudes and values in society at large which will support and demand the retention of the information sources which will be the basis of writing history in the future .
25 A burden for some which will become a breaking point .
26 The concept of the Created God completely rules out the exclusion from the Alternative Religion of any part whatsoever of humankind , whether it be by reason of race , colour , sex , or for any other reason at all which may create an identifiable group or individual .
27 He wanted a design of 1991 which would sit happily with the past .
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