Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Marsha presented BSAD with a cheque for £14,000 which will help towards the cost of organising the championships .
2 There are inevitably tensions and pressures created for social workers who are responsible for making long-term plans for children which may include separation from parents when working with natural parents .
3 Some present detailed programmes for change which will require legislation , for instance , legislation to improve the levels of pension and older people 's access to employment .
4 The RSPB are appealing for a demonstration of public support for reforms which will benefit the environment .
5 Requests for copy which would occupy ten columns or less should be satisfied within four hours .
6 Battle and a whole belt of Wealden parishes produced no response at all ; since the data were collected by the local parish clergy , the low level of response is hardly surprising , farmers as a rule having a dim view of requests for information which might lead to a rise in taxes or tithes .
7 Other " get out clauses " included requests for information which might involve the supply of " unfinished documents " .
8 They were understandably concerned to steer a middle course between over-confidence which might lead to an excessive number of candidates and realism which might have a restrictive effect .
9 He refused to elaborate , but is known to have expressed dismay at a proposed increase in prize money for doubles which would give singles only a 70-30 advantage .
10 You see , I 've been offered a great deal of money for information which might discredit Alan Dysart : anything scandalous from his past or present .
11 Whilst it may be desirable , for the reasons discussed above , for a business to make detailed provision in its contracts for contingencies which may arise , it will generally be impossible to negotiate separate contracts for each transaction .
12 Article 21 , together with article 22 on related actions , is contained in section 8 of Title II of the Convention ; that section is intended , in the interests of the proper administration of justice within the Community , to prevent parallel proceedings before the courts of different contracting states and to avoid conflicts between decisions which might result therefrom .
13 But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech seeks to continue economic policies which have caused a deep and damaging recession , falling output and investment , rising unemployment and record levels of business failures and house repossessions ; and call upon the Government to adopt a programme for recovery which will encourage investment and rising levels of employment by the promotion of sustained investment in the manufacturing sector , by encouraging industrial innovation through the application of science and technology and by fully exploiting the potential of the neglected regions through vigorous regional policies , and by providing new opportunities in education and training which are crucial to Britain 's economic recovery and future prosperity .
14 But his distaste went deeper than irritation at an unwelcome complication to his inquiry , at the bizarre intrusion of irrationality into a job so firmly rooted in the search for evidence which would stand up in court , documented , demonstrable , real .
15 This can be the outcome of ( a ) a process which selects only those facts which prove a given case , and omits others — an intentional distortion of evidence ; or ( b ) an unwitting omission , a failure to carry out the exhaustive search for evidence which should characterise historical study .
16 The search for animals which can identify kin has now led to the discovery that honey bees discriminate between full and half sisters .
17 Having discussed the above ideas for the sites in an area , various analyses can then be tried out to examine the relationships between settlements which could have interesting and important implications .
18 Conservative backbenchers put pressure on the government to provide safeguards for households which would lose by more than a certain amount .
19 Club members — they have all either undergone open heart surgery themselves or have helped loved ones through the ordeal — display this zest for life which would encourage anyone faced with the same ordeal .
20 Of all the varieties of patronage at the disposal of Scottish politicians , the most useful were those connected with taxation , for , quite apart from the undeniable opportunities for profit which might accrue to an official charged with the collection of public revenues , through his possession of such monies between the time of collection and the time of accounting for the receipts , the ability to increase or moderate one 's zeal was in itself a valuable asset for officers who were themselves often intimately involved in the political and social life of their communities .
21 Equally at home with highbrow or no-brow cinema , Kael is unapologetic about feeding a sweet tooth for vulgarity which can seem incongruous in the New Yorker 's staid pages .
22 Whether Terence O'Neill was committed to promoting the sorts of reforms which might have satisfied the Catholic minority is unknown .
23 We heard that if your body is exposed to constant rapid temperature changes , its mechanisms become stressed and this creates all sorts of problems which can result in breakdown .
24 On the other hand ( see page 46 ) reasoning with children involves giving them a great deal of attention which might reinforce and maintain , if not increase , the quarrelsomeness .
25 But the important consideration for prevention is the identification of methods of intervention which will make serious depressive illnesses less likely to occur .
26 Here too there are suppressed assumptions about the proper methods of science which will concern us in the next chapter .
27 Supporters of devolution point to the differences inherent in the administration of Scotland which would assist a more independently-run nation .
28 It senses the danger and almost instantaneously cuts off the power with a speed of reaction which can prevent a tragedy occurring .
29 The main danger in the staff reaction is that there might be a severe loss of morale which can affect the care of other patients .
30 The Company , from its very first voyage , exported bullion rather than English products and , when economists complained that this would lead to a loss of bullion which would cause deflation and depression in England , the Company replied that it exported between 50 and 90 per cent of its pepper to countries in northern Europe which paid four or five times as much silver as the Company paid in India , so that on balance its activities substantially increased the amount of bullion in the country .
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