Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] and [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 FATHER Christopher O'Neill 's baby daughter Jennifer is now four months old and still the priest , aided by the Catholic Church , remains in hiding .
2 This is shown schematically in figure 9.12 and clearly the technique can not discriminate amongst molecular sizes with or .
3 See chapter 4 and also the extract which follows .
4 The printout is of the full design area and does not show the grid denoting how many squares wide and high the design is .
5 In the ground attack side we 're comparing it to the jaguar that it 'll replace , the harrier G R seven and also the tornado G R four and then in the multi-role arena for air defence , air superiority and attack we 're comparing our aircraft against the French Raphall the American F eighteen E which is the the future variant of the F eighteen , the F fifteen E , the multi-role but primarily air to surface machine and also the F sixteen C. Those are the ones we 're currently looking at .
6 Bhattarai met with the King on May 15 and afterwards a statement was issued from the Royal Palace explaining that the drafting committee had been abolished .
7 In Commercial Plastics Ltd v Vincent [ 1965 ] 1 QB 623 the contract of employment was concluded on 20 December 1959 and yet the restraint of trade clause was contained in a letter of 27 November 1959 .
8 Gavin Jones is 12 years old and also a pupil at Llantarnam School .
9 He was a Polynesian Hawaiian , thirty-two years old and already a legend on the North Shore .
10 Kevin O'Neil was just thirty years old and already a part of it in Dublin .
11 She was twenty-five years old and still a virgin , and as she looked at her image in the mirror great tears welled up and spilled over as she relived Ace 's words .
12 It is therefore for the domestic courts to decide whether , in any particular case , the agreement does so clearly infringe Article 85 that an exemption is very unlikely to be granted by the Commission , even if it has been notified to the Commission , or whether there is no infringement of Article 85 and therefore the question of an exemption under Article 85(3) does not come into play .
13 It was conceded that their removal by the mother was wrongful within the terms of article 3 and accordingly the court had to consider the terms of article 12 which provides :
14 A I would add the Clowns first and then the Dwarf Angel .
15 Law had indeed already done enough as leader to make his departure unthinkable and so a memorial was drawn up by Carson and signed by almost all the party 's backbenchers , stating full confidence in Law and begging him to stay on with a revised tariff policy .
16 Then the time to locate an address in I 2 will be : I 1 will only be created when it is quicker to search I 1 and then the track to which it points in I 2 , than to carry out an average length search of I 2 .
17 An inadequate list may include reduction in infant and child mortality better employment prospects for educated children making investment in education worthwhile and therefore a cost related to the number of children ; women 's status in the household and extent of emancipation in making decisions ; education of parents and enrolment rates in education for children , and women 's participation in the formal labour force ( where pregnancy implies unavoidable loss of earnings ) .
18 Although this was an extreme case , it is by no means unique and practically every university teacher who has supervised an undergraduate dissertation will recognize the problem of trying to write a dissertation backwards ; that is to say , taking the data that have already been collected and then trying to find some hypothesis which they can be used to test .
19 It was completed a few months after its companion piece ( the G major Quartet Op. 106 and subsequently the composer devoted himself to programmatic tone poems and operas .
20 Well we have production course you have made your appointment to see Mr and Mrs who are existing clients of , you will now conduct the first appointment starting with greeting and appropriate sociability which is the first part of step one , through to producing the C C Q and then further copy pages two and four of the attached C C Q in your booklet , so two and four are er we 've got four and two , the personal details and may be the wrong way round there , so it 's advisable to say you complete the first part of it , page two and then the employment details okay , so you doing a little bit of exploring there so if you like you can be doing all of step one and a little bit of step two , buying in this particular role playing .
21 With the same 14 mm bait I will now be using a size 4 and possibly a size 2 .
22 The angle of view determines the amount of background visible and also the angle at which leaves are viewed .
23 Two cars are drawing up outside Number 17 and quite a lot of people are going in the front door .
24 Himmler is a nonentity who thinks he should be Fuhrer in Hitler 's place and Himmler 's deputy is Reinhard Heydrich who is brilliant and daring and handsome and will kill Himmler first and then the Fuhrer , if they do n't pre-empt him .
25 Three young men with loop and stud earrings in one ear ( the lad on the Caledonian Canal fishing boat was not as individual as I had thought ) had three beefburgers and a pie each and then a chocolate KitKat with their tea .
26 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
27 Remember it used to be three inches long and now a foot long , with a flapper
28 Smaller stones about four to six inches long and only an inch wide which have broken ends could easily have been used to knock limpets off rocks .
29 George , a former school truant and now a construction trainee , said : ‘ At least I did something … but the others , you saw them at school , just lazy . ’
30 Go up Road , and from there turn down Follyhouse Lane the continuation of it and you 'd come right to the Dales and nothing at all from there to West Bromwich , and you could see , if you go over one stile from one field then onto another and then brook that now runs through the Road there , that used to be a little country brook that run across the golf course and there was a little stile over it , a little bridge and a stile , then you go straight up to Dells common and not a house in sight .
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