Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] be [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I certainly will take it up if I get a copy letter , I mean it is obviously that some departments act differently , and I understand that in any case this is only a letter from the secretary , it 's not him , so I mean , I 'm quite happy to take it up if I get the copy of that , and explain that this department act , does rather differently from some of the others .
2 In the latter case this was notwithstanding a finding that the wife ‘ did sufficiently understand the general nature of the document . ’
3 If you fall into that category this is definitely a shoe you should look at .
4 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
5 On the western side this was always an area characterised by a militancy which is presumably going out of fashion now too .
6 In practice this is either a letter or a statement of value on HM Land Registry Form A4. ( e ) Insurance Insurance of the property should be placed in the name of the wife alone , the husband 's name being deleted from the policy .
7 In essence this was less a system than the resort by the Crown to whatever means came to hand for raising and controlling money .
8 The British were dismayed but a further memorandum from the Americans in January 1943 was virtually a declaration of dissociation .
9 Surprisingly perhaps , January 1993 was generally a degree or two milder than normal .
10 This being so , the famous final and belated discussion of the problem at Rockingham in February 1095 was largely a display of shadow-boxing .
11 May 9 was certainly a day for rallying to the cause .
12 Belemnites vary from small fossils a centimetre or two long to large specimens tens of centimetres long : of course these are only a fraction of the size of the living animal , with their tentacles extending well beyond the guard .
13 In the latter case these are usually an oversimplification because there is an underlying assumption that decisions are being made in a simple logical sequence .
14 With a new rabbit and a short-haired piebald guinea pig in a box , Victoria arrived at a once-grand Queen Anne house in Wiltshire that was now a school devoted to raising the daughters of the gentry .
15 The situation was almost the same at Exeter , but 48 per cent of the subsidy assessments were at £1 , mostly on wages , while in Coventry these were only a handful out of a total of some 700 taxpayers , meaning that almost half the population literally ‘ possessed absolutely nothing but the rags they stood up in , a few sticks and boards for ‘ furniture ’ , and the tools of their trade , if any' , Exeter clearly enjoyed full employment — as full , that is , as was attainable in the conditions of the time — while Coventry languished in the grip of severe unemployment , and indeed in the early 1520s was undergoing a series of acute economic crises .
16 But his appointment as steward of the royal household in November 1318 was both a snub to Lancaster , who claimed the right of appointment , and a mark of his growing association with Hugh le Despenser the younger [ q.v. ] , the chamberlain of the household and the rising star at court .
17 Person 2 would certainly not pay the higher price necessary to induce a competitive supplier to expand production beyond the output Q. Person 2 is thus a free-rider enjoying person 1 's purchase Q. And the total quantity privately produced and consumed in a competitive market lies below the socially efficient quantity Q * ;
18 It is not impossible that S 985 is simply a forgery concocted by Eadui to protect his church from the demands of royal officials .
19 N. That 's usually an excuse for being crap on ramps .
20 For Jay that was only a start .
21 In theoretical terms this is also a study of agency and of decision making in everyday life .
22 In statutory terms this is often a period of just three days .
23 In our theory this is simply an example of the competitive process at work .
24 By definition this is largely an enterprise of elders and women who are charged with transmitting these traditions to a new generation .
25 Well , E N V Three is basically a damage limitation exercise , and I think that erm the qualities of this area are so great that er it would be im impossible to envisage
26 One shot near Jury 's Gap on 1 August 1916 was possibly an escape .
27 Up to now the US airwaves have been free , but there are moves to license any new frequencies that become available to the highest bidder — some argue that television should go entirely by cable to free capacity for radio communications : the US Federal Communications Commission is supporting a bill in Congress to free 200MHz of government-controlled radio frequencies for commercial use , in part through auctions ; the National Association of Broadcasters said it would support the bill if broadcast frequencies were exempt from the auctions ; McCaw Cellular Communications Inc is also a supporter of the bill .
28 But in Arab eyes , Western action over the Gulf crisis since August 1990 is merely a renewal of US and British imperialism .
29 All it is , is where the head of the femur is not correctly positioned in the hip socket and the proper name for the hip socket , you 'll see in your books is acetabulum This is definitely a condition which is familiar as a fam a family tendency and if you think about it if you have a , a , a big hip socket your children are likely to have big hip sockets it 's a family
30 As she 'd returned everything he 'd given her before he 'd left for Japan this was quite a surprise .
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