Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [vb past] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A total of 2,588 items were treated ; though in most cases this consisted only of the application of a backing material , work on badly degraded older material is much more labour-intensive .
2 Within minutes another went off at the Planetarium next-door , followed by two more at the Imperial War museum .
3 Again , signer 2 differed notably from the others in his inability to use two lexical items simultaneously .
4 The impact as well as the shock of the bullet wound knocked him crashing face down to the ground , his legs all mixed up with the trolley 's wheels .
5 Foxing was a term first used in about the 1840s , probably because the brownish-yellow spots and blotches reminded some fox-hunting bibliophile of his quarry in the countryside .
6 Ironically , David first went out with the woman who was to change his life on a girl 's night in town .
7 Grandest among the hotels is the Imperial , Parkhill Road ( ) , a stately secluded clifftop spot , like a moored cruise ship embalmed in an atmosphere recalling days when Edward VII came ashore from the Royal Yacht .
8 The editorial in the Times of February 1971 appeared just before the debate in Parliament referred to and was specifically mentioned by one MP in that debate , which was dominated by the subject of television .
9 The UK Data Protection Act 1984 arose out of the Council of Europe Convention , and is based upon eight general principles .
10 While it was true that the experience of dependants ' benefits demonstrated to the Ministry of Labour that ‘ not in a few cases they enabled respectable and industrious men and women to avoid having recourse to the Poor Law ’ ( Ministry of Labour , 1924 , p. 10 ) , the restoration and continuation of dependants ' allowances and the establishment of uniform minimum scales of Poor Law outdoor relief in January 1922 owed much to the activities of the National Unemployed Workers ' Movement , which organised protests na-tionally as well as against local Boards of Guardians .
11 What told most against Pétain , however , was that while Joffre , Foch and de Castelnau all swam vigorously with the current , he alone stood against the prevailing tide of the de Grandmaison movement .
12 Third , when facilities management first took off in the US , suppliers were dealing solely with mainframes , and could earn higher margins from significant economies of scale — several mainframes were centralised on one site , and could deal with the information technology requirements of many customers — and so the old bureau service was recreated under another name .
13 The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 gave back to the Secretary of State for the Environment the power to make determinations excluding certain elderly persons ' dwellings from the Right to Buy .
14 Labour MPs said Fergie 's romp had badly damaged the monarchy and boosted demands for a review of the £10 million paid annually to the family by taxpayers .
15 The release of Nelson Mandela in February 1990 coincided neatly with the end of the cold war .
16 So it was that the most innovative proposal in the Criminal Justice Bill presented to Parliament on 10 November 1971 stemmed not from the Tory manifesto , nor from Crime Has No Boundaries , but from an official committee chaired by a Labour life-peer .
17 Gorbachev 's acceptance speech at the March 1985 Central Committee meeting contained just a passing reference to the ‘ steadfast strengthening of the friendship of the peoples of our great multinational power ’ ; an address on the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II referred similarly to the ‘ blossoming of nations and nationalities ’ in the USSR which was ‘ organically connected with their all-round convergence ’ .
18 The watchers all waited tensely for the first word , the first greeting between the two .
19 What we have here is the untarnished pop of Pet Shop Boys mixed with the stylish swish of Pixies and the expertise of REM all rounded off with the insane power of a contemporary Wagner .
20 And Mr Slipshod slithered back into the Town Hall .
21 In Berlin William II interfered repeatedly with the conduct of German diplomacy in a way which helped to conceal the extent to which his effective authority in many areas was ebbing away .
22 Nutty stood frowning , not able to complain , her insides all knotted up at the thought of jumping in .
23 look at Bryony , with that red peaked hood and , and the front of this rain cover hanging down and the back bit all punched up at the back
24 STAFF AT Lincoln turbine Service Limited turned up at the Moat House Hotel , Aberdeen on 5 December for their five-course Christmas Dinner [ well , who would n't ] .
25 But all the gains that we had made out of labour movement , improvements in working time , improvements in health and safety , equality issues , legal rights all went out of the window , and what has happened to the vast majority of those service jobs ?
26 Jane Holt 's , Grimsdale 's and police evidence all pointed strongly to the tailor 's guilt .
27 When we arrived , Heathcliff , Hareton , and Joseph all came out of the house to inspect the child .
28 What happened was that the water first backed up behind the lipped edge of the top step , then over-flowed , and spilled with increasing force , in a sort of hydro-chain-reaction , down each subsequent step to the bottom of the channel .
29 The National Land Fund , we discovered from a reluctant Treasury press officer , stood at £17 million , but the income from the capital was subject to an expenditure ceiling of £2 million divided equally between the Department of the Environment and the Department of Education and Science .
30 There 's prezzies all wrapped up under the tree , just like we used to have when I lived with Annie and Mum and Dad .
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