Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adv] [that] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As we saw in the last chapter the anointed king of Israel was equipped with the Spirit to enable him to carry out his work ; hence the expectation of Isaiah 11:1 ff that the Messiah would also be equipped , in fuller measure , with that Spirit .
2 The Historic Building Council for Scotland gave a major grant of £1.1 million so that the spire could be dismantled and rebuilt .
3 This provides the compound curve necessary so that the rail curves around the back and upwards at the same time .
4 But I have actually slept top-to-tail when we 've had parties and it 's too late for the lads to go home , now just get into the bed top-to-tail and keep each other warm so that the winter and yeah
5 Feeling more than a little self conscious now that the adrenalin had ebbed away , I addressed the single , lit eye : ‘ OK , love ? ’
6 Glitter answers questions banal enough that a child of six might be able to pose them , and then it 's into the show .
7 Laser contact 8 is joined to source contact 9 so that the laser and FET are in series .
8 It is easy to see why : the track is only six lanes wide so that the crowd is closer to the action than usual , and the organizers have the knack of building up the anticipation for the big event so that once it gets under way , emotion bubbles over .
9 The House of Lords held unanimously that a court of summary jurisdiction has a similar discretion , overruling Reg. v. Guest , Ex parte Anthony [ 1964 ] 1 W.L.R. 1273 and Reg. v. Gore Justices , Ex parte N. ( An Infant ) [ 1966 ] 1 W.L.R. 1522 which were two decisions of the Divisional Court to the contrary effect .
10 MANILA ( Reuter ) — President Corazon Aquino of the Philippines said yesterday that the body of Ferdinand Marcos still had a ‘ malignant power ’ that could be used by her opponents to seize power .
11 She could hear a loud , low-pitched door-bell , always opened the door fully , invited the patient to enter , then left the door open so that the patient turned towards the open door when giving his name .
12 The scientists are now trying to make the difference between the ‘ on ’ and the ‘ off ’ states greater so that the membrane completely blocks transport in the off state .
13 It is traditionally accepted that it was in about the year 753 B.C. that a tribe of people settled near the Tiber on the Palatine Hill .
14 The bag should be emptied before it gets about half full and this is achieved by turning the bag anti-clockwise so that the spout can be pulled out of the dust port .
15 Next month we shall explore some more elaborate lace patterns but meanwhile , practise with cards 1–3 so that the process of lace knitting becomes familiar .
16 He would leave the packet open so that the desk sergeant saw they were not getting a parcel bomb .
17 Somehow we managed , and the director asked if I thought there was any chance of the weather worsening so that the boat would heel a little more .
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