Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adv] [vb -s] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The positive result documented by lane 2 also shows that the reaction does not depend on the special sequence context of the Dcm recognition site provided by the upper strand ( compare experiments documented by Figures 5 and 6 ) and , in addition , that the reaction is not restricted to the C[5-FC]AGG half-site but also works with C[5-FC]TGG .
2 In fishing this literally means that the catching sector has been forced back into a more primitive , earlier phase .
3 Figure 2 clearly shows that a phenomenon of adaptive cytoprotection occurred in animsl fed the oleic diet at the various levels of acid injury tested , since pretreatment with a 100 µmol pulse of HCl induced a significant shift of the curve to the right ( p<0.01 ) .
4 Baggage Condition 2 also requires that the transport company , authority or hotel should have been notified in writing .
5 Professor Shorter implicitly denies that the problem exists for twentieth century women .
6 Figure 3.3 also shows that the first cycles are richest in deep sleep and that REM sleep is concentrated towards the end of the night .
7 Section 3(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 expressly provides that the meaning or effect of any of the Treaties ‘ shall be treated as a question of law ( and , if not referred to the European Court , be for determination as such in accordance with the principles laid down by and any relevant decision of the European Court ) ’ . ’
8 The Local Government Act 1972 specifically states that the only business which can be transacted is that appearing in the summons convening the meeting .
9 FRED 2 also proposes that the policy adopted should be disclosed , and draws attention to the requirement to apply the normal rules governing the recoverability of assets in those circumstances in which a company is contemplating the recognition of a deferred tax asset in respect of a provision of post-retirement obligations .
10 Rumour has it this Achtung Baby thang actually lasts for an hour — the assembly is being treated to a full 36 minutes of footage. this either means that a lot of it is rubbish or it 's so blinking brilliant They could n't show the lot lest our brains exploded with pleasure .
11 New clause 4 simply asks that the Scottish Transport Group staff pension fund and the transport operatives pension scheme — TOPS — continue in operation and that it should be a condition of sale that any new company operating any undertaking disposed of under the Bill should participate in them .
12 P P G two clearly states that the government attaches great importance to greenbelts. and in paragraph twelve , sets out the general presumption against in appropriate development within them .
13 Table 3.23 below shows that the unskilled and the semi-skilled manual workers made up a higher proportion of those receiving sickness or invalidity benefit than their size as a population group warranted ; the opposite was the case for the non-manual workers ; while the skilled manual workers ’ position as beneficiaries reflected their size as a group among the general population .
14 Whatever the validity of these arguments , Table 14.4 clearly shows that the share of gross investment in total output and expenditure ( GDP ) in the UK is lower than that of most other major economies .
15 Table 16–5 also suggests that the UK relies quite heavily on indirect taxes rather than direct taxes .
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