Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Neither Andy Saunders nor Peter Dimond shy away from the fact that a broader , more general aviation history needs also to be presented , lest ‘ Joe Public ’ be made to feel alienated .
2 It is a bit hypocritical both for the questioner and for the Minister , who is a representative of the Government of unemployment , to criticise potential job losses under a Labour Government .
3 The proposal passed its first and second readings in the European Parliament with minimal amendments , and was adopted in March 1993 substantially upon the lines of the text published in July 1992 .
4 They taste a bit different actually to the ones we had .
5 This suggests that the atmospheric CO 2 on Venus is in equilibrium with these types of surface rock and that there exist on Venus accessible surface repositories of CO 2 mainly in the form of carbonates .
6 It is difficult to find words strong enough for the sensation which came over me ; Milton 's ‘ enormous bliss ’ of Eden ( giving the full , ancient meaning to ‘ enormous ’ ) comes somewhere near it .
7 They also make the point that the one spider that makes daytime webs without stabilimenta , Nephila clavpes , has bright yellow silk , which , they say , makes the web conspicuous enough without the need for resorting to additional warning markers .
8 She was trembling uncontrollably beneath him as he levered her knees wide to accommodate his strength , his shaft probing the tight , delicate sweetness of her , the glitter of triumph in his eyes unmistakable even in the half-light in the bedroom .
9 Strategy and tactics all there in the box .
10 See Chapter 5 below for the procedure for setting aside bankruptcy orders .
11 This relationship between torque and field strength receives more discussion in Chapter 3 so for the present we need only consider how the pole magnetic field can be maximised .
12 However , a BBC news and current affairs spokesman said : ‘ We believe our coverage was fair to all parties concerned both during the campaign and on election night . ’
13 At the end of the flat portion there was a gap big enough for a man 's body to drop through , and then a single rung like a short parallel bar in a gym .
14 And do watch out for those roadworks on the M four just by the M twenty five junction .
15 ‘ I 've been a devoted wife to him and done nothing wrong in our marriage , ’ said Debbie , 33 , at their £1 million home at the Palm Beach Polo Club , in Wellington , Florida yesterday .
16 Instantly , she felt herself tense and the butterflies in her stomach grow stronger , as the immaculately shiny black Mercedes headed swiftly for the forecourt below her and drew to a halt with a splutter of gravel .
17 The foreign ministers of the three Indo-Chinese regimes met on 5 January 1980 just before a visit to Hanoi by the Malaysian Foreign Minister .
18 International marketing differs from its domestic counterpart due purely to the differences in the political , social , cultural and economic environment between countries .
19 Day 8 Received an order for 20 hang gliders at £400 each together with a cheque for £8,000 .
20 The battlemented walls are some 24 feet high all around the Castle .
21 Some who had gone to Israel had been involved in protests from July 1985 onwards against the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate that they should undertake a " formal " conversion to Judaism [ see p. 34008 ] .
22 For some time now he had been certain that he had at last evolved a diction appropriate both to the requirements of classical epic and to the subtleties of the alchemical process .
23 It goes all the way to Kyle of Lochalsh these days turning southwards from Achnasheen , leaving the wild vastness of Wester Ross accessible only by the motor car , a later and more threatening penetration .
24 In extreme cases , unjustified delay can render a dismissal unfair even in a case where a similar penalty would have been legitimate had management not dragged its feet .
25 A passage from Verdelot 's ‘ Ogn'hor per voi sospiro ’ ( in his Secondo libro de Madrigali , 1537 ) will illustrate typical early madrigal texture with an exchange of phrases obvious only to the singer ( madrigals were seldom written with listeners in mind ) ( cantus , bars 2–4 , and tenor 4–6 ; altus bars 2–4 , and cantus 4–6 ) , contrasts of four- and two-part , writing , highlighting of ‘ tacendo ’ and ‘ amando ’ with their semitonal sighs :
26 Mary A. B. Brazier has described the work of Hans Berger as the triumph of a man working with equipment inadequate even by the standards of his day .
27 ‘ The 424 km2 survey was shot from April 30 to May 26 and the processed 12-fold cube loaded and ready for interpretation on July 18 ahead of the deadline to impact the location of the Lan Tay observation well . ’
28 Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu , EC Commission President Jacques Delors and Ruud Lubbers , the Netherlands Prime Minister who held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1991 , held their first formal EC-Japanese summit in The Hague on July 18 immediately after the London G-7 summit [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
29 It is reported to have been used for surveillance of the United Unionist Action Council strike headquarters in May 1977 together with an infinity bug in a newlyinstalled telephone in a committee room .
30 This can be done under the Planning Acts by way of a Special Development Order ( SDO ) , or it can be provided for in a Private Act concerned specifically with a project .
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