Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The bathroom is at the end , facing the back and the woods , but in any case each room has a small bathroom en suite .
2 Except at the lowest level each module contains a single sub-program .
3 ACCUSATIONS that district councillors in the Highlands used distortion to mislead the Scottish Secretary have been made by the region 's planning chairman , Francis Keith .
4 The finding by Fritz and Brooks that vagotomy abolishes the choleretic response to feeding in cholecystectomised dogs suggests that , at least as regards the digestive function of bile , neural regulation of biliary secretion may be of greater functional importance than is generally acknowledged .
5 In the Gesta this genealogy creates a sharp contrast between the kings and the counts of Anjou , whose origins are said to lie in a ‘ new man ’ , a forester of the reign of Charles the Bald .
6 A LABORATORY will be built at Oxford University this summer to house a new research team studying gene therapy for the treatment of Aids .
7 I might even be able to think of a n interesting way to make a larger profit that I would by tamely handing or over the Fraxillians .
8 In contrast rigid sigmoidoscopy had a small but helpful diagnostic rate , which significantly affected outcome , as two patients were found with ulcerative colitis and one patient had a rectosigmoid carcinoma .
9 In part this variety reflects the poorly defined vocabulary available to historians seeking to distinguish various traditional authoritarian regimes .
10 But before taking the action some members will begin a vigil in Cardiff this afternoon to give the Welsh Language Education Committee ( PDAG ) one last chance not to co-operate with what they claim are the Government 's education ‘ quangos . ’
11 Upon baptism this king took the Christian name of Abraham — perhaps because he hoped to be the father of a long line of kings associated with Frankish power .
12 In most cases the length of I provides a useful assessment of the mean diameter , and if determinations are to be made in the field this diameter provides a useful measure of average size .
13 The explorers have to eat 5,000 calories each day double the average intake to keep their body temperatures normal in the freezing conditions .
14 No actress alive better captures the ferocious pathos of the little heartbreak writ large , and although her immaculate comic technique sustains whole passages of visual lunacy , she has in addition the much rarer theatrical gift of being able to transmit emotion in its purest form .
15 Children from Whinfield Junior School deposited the first cans into the bank in the car park of the Gateway Foodmarket on Whinbush Way .
16 He was in upbeat mood earlier as he hailed the prospect of a spring economic recovery following a confidence-building Tory victory .
17 Two experiments are run in parallel : in one the allele specific primer matches the normal sequence , in the other it matches the mutant sequence .
18 In the conference hall , the debate was vitriolic , with only Jack Rogers , whose NEC working party proposed the mixed race organisation , defending the leadership 's line .
19 The opposition Labour Party achieved a spectacular victory in a parliamentary by-election in Mid-Staffordshire on March 22 , overturning a 1987 general election Conservative majority of 14,654 [ see p. 35286 ] to win by a majority of 9,449 .
20 BEAK of light weight horny material replaces the heavy jaws and teeth .
21 If you would like to be involved in Convocation , there are several opportunities each year to take an active interest .
22 JAGUAR car workers are to put in nine hours ' overtime each week to complete the biggest single car order in the company 's history .
23 The United Nations 1948 Declaration lists no fewer than thirty main Articles with numerous dependent entitlements .
24 The boards , 25 or 35mm thick , are a laminate of layers of Heraklith-M-Original magnesite-bound wood incorporating a flexible foam core .
25 Miriam : Even in the polygamous setting each wife had a strong position .
26 In this larger social setting each adolescent has a particular role to play and is usually aware of their own status within the group .
27 If the manager had wanted to take tough disciplinary action against Johnstone another opportunity arose a few days after the drunken sailor saga .
28 The onset of the glitch is now seen to comprise an unresolved step followed by an exponential asymptotic rise to meet the 18-day exponential decaying component .
29 FESTIVITIES this week to mark the official launch of Middlesbrough as as the new Environment City will draw national and international interest .
30 Coupled with the almost equally difficult situation in Hungary this resistance disrupted the fragile unity of the Habsburg dominions .
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