Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed a bit risky to begin on the main pieces of work , so I made a separate swatch .
2 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
3 Iron combined with organic matter can not be removed by the methods applicable to iron in the ionized form .
4 Refunds will be provided at point of sale for fans unable to go to the relevant dates .
5 When investigating an alleged miscarriage of justice , I have always made it a rule first to talk to the convicted man 's trial solicitor as he is likely to be the last man his client would wish to con , or would succeed in conning ii he tried .
6 For example , if a company has only a limited amount of funds available to spend over the next few years , centralised management would be able to take a balanced view of how the funds should be shared out between production , marketing , research and development , motor vehicles , other fixed asset purchases in different departments etc .
7 Most of the terraces are preserved as flattenings on spurs and it is possible that similar features might result from wasting of a spur due to attack by the headward erosion of valleys on either side .
8 This is a concept relatively new to English company law having been introduced by section 9 of the European Communities Act 1972 to comply with the First Company Law Directive .
9 That will leave management free to concentrate on the existing businesses which are not having an easy time of it .
10 From this you can identify the trends and thus assign probabilities to the various types of question likely to appear on the next occasion .
11 Iraqi aircraft overflew Tehran and the holy city of Qom in January 1984 to demonstrate to the Iranian leadership that no part of Iran , except remote towns like Mashhad , was beyond their reach .
12 Tudjman , who had urged local leaders in Trogir ( west of Split ) on May 5 to demonstrate at the naval base to show the world their support for the battle being waged by the Croatian leadership , was accused by the Defence Secretariat of inflaming sentiments against the army .
13 Companies unwilling to move to the older regions had the option of moving to the new towns .
14 Global Biodiversity Strategy , a blueprint for conservation prepared by the World Conservation Union ( IUCN ) , the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) and the World Resources Institute , has suggested that third world countries should declare sovereignty over their genetic resources as a means of protecting the earth 's diversity of species , and allowing the countries concerned to profit from the growing demand for plants and animals .
15 In the specific example of Fig. 3.16 ( your guess is correct if you think that the arrangement has something to do with electrical machines ) there is a current-carrying loop capable to rotate around the horizontal axis in the magnetic flux ( assumed constant ) of the permanent magnet .
16 It can be limited across the whole country or across wide areas liable to suffer in the longer term ( for example , on all permeable soils such as on chalk , limestone , sand or sandstone ) .
17 ‘ Just another couple of feet , ’ cried Gambo as he nimbly moved aside and poised his cleaver ready to chop through the tortured ropes .
18 The ‘ central zone ’ went the same way during March , its collapse preceded by a second ‘ civil war within the Civil War ’ : a tragicomic affair in which ‘ rebels ’ under Colonel Casado , anxious to negotiate a surrender , engineered a coup and then clashed with Communists eager to fight to the last .
19 Are your needs likely to change over the next few years-will you have children to cope with ; are you likely to entertain more often than you do at present ?
20 Which way is the L 2 curve likely to shift in the following cases ? ( a ) The balance of trade moves into deficit .
21 There was considerable debate in the mid-1980s of the mounting ‘ burden ’ on the working population likely to result from the growing number of pensioners in the second and third decades of the next century .
22 ‘ One of our most pressing problems ’ , he concluded , ‘ is how to deal with the human waste which has come through the discarding of the services of workers unable to adjust to the new requirements ’ .
23 In fact , it 's taken 4 years and £600 million to create to the new Peugeot 605 range .
24 Drouot ready to expand into the Russian market
25 If there are any area display teams willing to perform at the Annual Reunion on Saturday 19th November to be held at Warwick Park School , please contact at , ,
26 With the humidity likely to lessen over the next 24 hours , Bristol 's all-sand circuit should be in perfect nick for front-running Lady Riptide .
27 They invited to the Hong Kong Sevens to play in the fifteen-man exhibition game beforehand .
28 The order may give directions on : auditing , the revision of the directors ' report or any summary financial statement , steps to be taken to bring the order to the notice of persons likely to rely on the original accounts , and on such other matters as the court thinks fit .
29 No expense was spared to produce a station worthy to stand beside the other civic buildings .
30 Hurtling towards him in the swirling fog was a huge lorry powerless to stop on the icy carriageway .
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