Example sentences of "[noun] [adj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 In Reg. v. Emmanuel ( 1981 ) 74 Cr.App.R. 135 where the defendant was charged in the indictment with alternative counts , the judge approved a proposal by the prosecutor to offer no evidence on the more serious charge and to accept a plea of guilty to the less serious .
2 Jagmohan , the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir , on Feb. 19 dissolved the State Assembly , which had been suspended since Jan. 19 when the state was placed under Governor 's rule [ see pp. 37183-84 ] .
3 The WI met on March 26 when the subject was vegetarian cookery .
4 Negotiations between the three ethnic communities in Bosnia-Hercegovina [ see p. 38849 for leaderships ] under the auspices of the EC continued in Lisbon , but were broken off on May 2 when the ceasefire was broken .
5 I wrote to the planning officer on 10 April 1991 enclosing a copy of my earlier letter , and again on 6 July 1991 when the matter was raised in the Minutes of the Land and Properties Sub-Committee , restating the Parish Council 's views and asking that they should be involved in the discussions of the future of the site .
6 The miners ' action , based on demands for higher wages , better conditions and changes in the national political leadership , only came to an end on May 10 when a decree was issued transferring the control of the mines in the Russian Federation to the RFSFR government [ see p. 38204 ] .
7 The second was a law enforcement action brought by the Crown ; he referred in particular to such an action brought under a statute which provided expressly for enforcement of a provision of the statute by civil proceedings by the Crown , which was the position in the Hoffmann-La Roche case [ 1975 ] A.C. 295 where the Crown was proceeding pursuant to a provision of the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control ) Act 1948 .
8 A report by Helmut Schlesinger made public on Sept. 30 indicated that the greater part of the DM44,000 million of " compulsory DM sales " by the Bundesbank in the week when the pound and the lira withdrew from the ERM had been in support of sterling ( this figure apparently excluding operations conducted on Sept. 22-23 when the franc was under particular pressure — see below ) .
9 Throughout the fortnight to May 15 when the ceasefire was due to come into effect , there were reports of fighting , in places heavy , with both sides making accusations .
10 Jagmohan had been appointed to the post in January 1990 when the state was first placed under Governor 's rule [ see p. 37183-84 ] .
11 Apart from the years 1988-90 when the PSBR was negative ( i.e. a public-sector financial surplus ) , this borrowing requirement has been met by sales of marketable debt ( principally bonds ) and of non-marketable debt ( principally savings certificates and deposits with the national savings bank ) .
12 One piece read to the rally referred to the local effect of the militarization of Europe during World War II when an aerodrome was built locally , and was written by Polly Devlin , a journalist originally from the area .
13 But the rise in aggregate demand was not anticipated at the end of period 0 when the price was set .
14 Gp Capt R C Hockey sent Air Mail the excellent photograph of what happened at Kinloss on a dark night in October 1943 when an Anson was approaching to land at the same time — and on the same bit of field — as a Whitley was just starting its take-off run .
15 The US Senate also approved the treaty on Oct. 10 when a motion was passed that the ratification should not be construed as tacit US acceptance of the Soviet annexation of the Baltic states of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania .
16 Police raided the premises on October 23 when the flat was unoccupied .
17 Otherwise , a period of one year from inheritance ( or age 21 where the title was inherited before that age ) is allowed for disclaimer .
18 The letter goes some way to explaining the 14 months delay between June 1981 , when harmful side-effects from Opren were first reported to an international conference , and August 1982 when the drug was withdrawn .
19 A notice , its spelling primly corrected , hangs on the fence and says : ‘ This was the arrangement on the grave of Patrick Kavanagh from 1967 to 19th August 1989 when the grave was forcibly opened and the arrangement scattered .
20 In Germany the maintenance of a fixed , and clearly unsustainable , exchange rate in the face of massive speculative inflows rendered domestic monetary management virtually impossible from the late 1960s to March 1973 when the Deutschmark was floated .
21 As to section 39(11) Mr. Langley relied on the decision of the Court of Appeal ( Dillon and Ralph Gibson L.JJ. ) in Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 where the question was whether the defendant was entitled to refuse to answer interrogatories or disclose documents in reliance upon the privilege against self-incrimination , or whether that privilege was excluded by section 42 of the Act which entitles the Bank of England , inter alia , to require a person to attend and answer questions where the Bank has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person is guilty of contravening various sections of the Act .
22 Following the International Forum in September 1989 when the theme was Enterprise and the Environment : The Vital Partnership , the Scottish Council has maintained its close involvement in this important subject .
23 An example of the first type is found in Morris ( Herbert ) Ltd v Saxelby [ 1916 ] 1 AC 688 where the defendant was bound for seven years after employment not to work in the UK or Ireland in the sale or manufacture of pulley blocks , hand overhead runways , electric overhead runways or hand overhead travelling cranes .
24 He had surgery in April 1991 when a growth was removed .
25 An obsidian plaza close by the road-block was almost deserted .
26 This was accomplished on June 25 when a law was also approved creating the new National Civil Police ( PNC ) , recruits to which would be trained in the newly established Academy of Public Security ( ASP ) , set up with US and Spanish advice , and to which demobilized FMNL members were eligible to apply .
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