Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] during [art] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately heavy losses occurred during the First World War with all four being sunk .
2 In at least two of the areas I visited the regional health authority and some of the first wave fundholders were wrangling over the savings accrued during the first year .
3 Ratings dropped during the first week of the revamped programme , but ITN now claims this trend has been reversed .
4 Shell manufacture in Blundell Street car shed during the First World War : 200,000 shells were produced here , largely by female labour , yielding a profit to the Town of £16,000 , which was used to pay for the erection of the Cenotaph war memorial on Princess Parade .
5 I am well aware of the atrocities that some Croatians perpetrated during the second world war , and of the tensions between Serb and Croat that go back long before that , which left a legacy of hatred and fear .
6 In a study conducted during the Second World War ( Stouffer et al.
7 The results showed that protein secreted during the first hour of stimulation was derived from pancreatic stores and that the turnover rate of stores was approximately 37%/h in normal human subjects .
8 It shows the appalling deprivation and human loss that Russians suffered during the Second World War and the difficulty that children of the thirties had in adjusting to life in post-war Russia .
9 Under the new law those found guilty of racial discrimination or incitement to racial hatred or violence would face heavier fines , imprisonment and could be declared ineligible for public office ; it became an offence to contest the existence of Nazi concentration camps , gas chambers and other evidence of crimes against humanity committed during the Second World War .
10 Beta testing starts during the first quarter of 1993 , with commercial availability expected by year-end .
11 Wrigley and Schofield have shown that between 1650–99 and 1800–49 the age at first marriage for women fell by 3·1 years ; most of the fall occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century and it was most apparent in industrial communities .
12 With consumption forecast to rise by 2% in 1989 — and with demand for OPEC oil expected to be at least 1m b/d less than the cartels supply during the second quarter — the world could again be awash in oil in a matter of months .
13 One such was that at Charfield built during the first half of the 19th century .
14 By Article V of the Convention , the sultan promised to negotiate with the Serbs on their demands for freedom of worship ; the right to establish their own schools and printing presses ; the return of areas won during the first revolt and forcibly returned to Turkish rule in 1813 ; the right of Serbian merchants to trade freely throughout the Ottoman empire ; a prohibition on any new Turkish settlement outside the major towns ; and an increase in the powers of Serbian government .
15 One of the liveliest days of the campaign came during the first week .
16 His move into intelligence came during the Second World War in which he served as a colonel and worked with Eisenhower 's Supreme Allied Headquarters .
17 One way of doing so , reported by Benedict Göes during the seventeenth century in Turkestan , was to apply heat and then split the rock by douching with cold water .
18 Sketch of a reusable coffin from a short story by Ludwig Bemelmans published during the Second World War .
19 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be turning back the clock with the men who kept Britain 's coalmines working during the Second World War .
20 There were indications that the method of manufacture changed during the sixth century , perhaps from itinerant craftsmen to workshops , implying a degree of centralisation .
21 The new equipment was delivered to Fettes Row during the first week in February and located in the East machine room .
22 WOULD the changing of the guard occur during the 28th running of the Reno National Championship Air Races ( September 12–15 ) ?
23 For Hegedus one of the greatest distortions of Marxism was the ideology of centralized and hierarchical state management propounded during the first period of socialist development .
24 Many of the country houses requisitioned during the Second World War never returned to domestic use .
25 Some shipowners proved particularly receptive to a suggestion that their craft employ a technique used during the Second World War by British aircraft to confuse enemy radar and later influenced by the Royal Navy 's experience in the Falklands campaign : tankers were supplied with equipment to discharge clouds of aluminium chaff at the approach of an AS missile like Exocet , in order to divert it .
26 More obvious trends are visible among the external towers added during the last phase of defensive activity in the mid fourth century .
27 Soil should be free-draining and well prepared , with plenty of compost — keep plants watered during the first season .
28 After directing the Verity films , the company she and Sydney formed during the Second World War , she moved into independent feature production .
29 The costs incurred during the first year of oesophageal transection and gastric devascularisation treatment were significantly greater than with endoscopic sclerotherapy ( £4369 v £1067 , p<0.0001 ) and the high rate of rebleeding in the surgical group meant that no cost savings occurred in subsequent years .
30 MYSTERY glass explosions have occurred at a number of UK buildings constructed during the last decade .
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