Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] us [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Jews provide us with the single most illuminating incident of the episcopate of Avitus .
2 Here our itinerary takes us along the new section of the road , rather surprisingly signposted to Fort William , and brings us to the first railway so far seen , at Strathcarron Station .
3 Various speakers congratulated us on the marvellous work we had done over the past few months .
4 What do these syndromes tell us about the language-processing system as it exists in intact brains ?
5 Your very welcome Letters of the 20th of Aug. and 14th of Septr. reached us on the 23rd and 25th of Jan : they were a joyful relief to us all and were the most acceptable to me since for the first time you acknowledge I have been tried and not found wanting : believe me it will always be my highest gratification to merit the good opinions of every one but of none more than yourself : and the more confidence you repose in me the more strenuous will be my efforts to prove myself worthy of it .
6 Our nervous Iraqi guards kept us inside the small bungalow that was ‘ home ’ for the 12 of us .
7 We slanted across the river , the wind carrying us against the current , and coasted up the far bank .
8 Is it not outrageous that so much British taxpayers ' money should have been spent trying to suppress a book which in part told us about the treacherous activities of the security services in trying to undermine the democratically elected Government of Harold Wilson ?
9 The texts of Roman law bring us to the intriguing conclusion that by late classical times the only person who acquired property under trust and with it an unassailable title was the bona fide purchaser for value without notice .
10 You are required by law to provide us with the following information : —
11 Misha Glenny takes us through the historical background to the war , before giving us a more detailed account of the political manoeuvring and stirring from August 1990 to May 1992 .
12 The ride home took us through the Red Light district ( not that I noticed ) .
13 The neck button disappeared — but not the buttonhole — and today a wedding boutonnière reminds us of the sporting ancestry of the coat .
14 Surkov signed the bill for our teas , and it was time to board the coach to take us to the late-afternoon theatrical performance .
15 The Ego is our internal saboteur , our own worst enemy , which con fines us to the dark cellars of our mind .
16 The what question provides us with the next guideline :
17 But much exists in their architecture to tell us of the social conditions , wealth , success or decline of towns .
18 Analysis of the returns leads us to the following conclusions :
19 Or the planet gets it ! ’ our jolly NME team jive us from the inside back cover of a recent ish .
20 Ayer tells us in the next paragraph :
21 The use of the term ‘ language-game ’ in this last quotation reminds us of the earlier quotation in which Wittgenstein says that ‘ the term ‘ language- game ’ is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity' .
22 ‘ The threat from a nuclear war forced us in the post-war period to think in terms of war destroying the whole planet .
23 So JAMES ‘ FRANK N. FURTER ’ PRICE nips off into town to show us around the latest Zeppelin creation .
24 What does this survey of the impact of the second wave tell us about the likely impact of the third wave in the 1990s and the consequences for developing managers ?
25 The amount of a christian 's concern for these issues should not be based upon denominational preference or doctrinal bias , but upon a willingness to allow the compassion of loving God to affect us at the deepest level of our beings .
26 We have the kitchen middens to inform us about the former and the dolmens and passage graves — both resting places and scenes of ancestor worship — to inform us of the latter .
27 My friend 's friend advised us on the best solicitors for a rape case , but warned that the final bill might be enough to buy a flat in Mayfair .
28 The Quartet can be read as a ‘ simulacrum of simulation ’ in this sense : it reveals the simulated nature of the projections , speculations , and reconstructions fed us by the oral media and the role of story-telling in all so-called ‘ objective ’ compilations of factual information .
29 What you have seen today may well be the best lesson you will ever learn of the difficulties facing us in the outside world .
30 These studies tell us about the broad pattern of movement between school and work .
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