Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] her [prep] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Weakly she willed him not to , but if he sensed her resistance he ignored it , his mouth tantalising her with its warm desirability .
2 A runaway horse takes her to her ancestral home , and her past unfolds .
3 ‘ Susan Swales hit her with her clenched right fist four times in the face and three times in the head , ’ said Mr Walker .
4 That Bernard had broken noses defending her to his chauvinistic schoolmates .
5 He never reacted hostilely to any such suggestion , except to say to me that she was difficult enough in a friendly association and matters might be worse ( his own words ) if he took any action to remove her from his political scene .
6 He buried his face against her throat , his mouth tormenting her with its lazy progress down towards the swell of her breasts , and she arched up , silently begging for his caress .
7 A few years later , when a Japanese professor on holiday in England visited her in our other house in Bath , Hill House in Sion Road , he said to her , in the usual Japanese joky way : ‘ I 'm sure your son will be marrying some nice Japanese lady , Mrs Kirkup . ’
8 She first represented her country when she was just 15 and only last month , Tennis Ireland selected her for her fourth international match , which was played in Italy at Easter .
9 What was important to her was sitting here , like this , with Simon telling her about his personal life .
10 The Forza del destino arias opening this disc show her at her best .
11 Then , to her everlasting shame , a new and totally unexpected sensation found its way into her consciousness , so devastating , so unlike anything she had ever experienced before , as her body betrayed her with its instant response .
12 Her class members thank her for the years of enjoyment she has given them ; her fellow-teachers thank her for her constant support and friendship .
13 Dexter noticed his boss did not suggest Lancaster address her by her Christian name in return : she only encouraged such informality from the victims of crime rather than its possible perpetrators .
14 The star was shapeless and the candle spattered with glue reminding her of her first efforts .
15 Like a dam bursting , her feelings overwhelmed her with their sudden surge .
16 The bus back took her past her own mother 's house .
17 Her home was on the other side of Belsize Square , and he would often drop in at night to tell her about his latest ideas , just as he had done earlier with Dulcie Howes and was to continue doing with one friend or another all his life .
18 So when they held dinner-parties Scarlet skimped on the smoked salmon , and Brian rebuked her for her graceless parsimony .
19 But she was still meditating for hours and waiting for the voice of the flat to inform her of its favoured colour scheme .
20 They 'ad ter move out then , ’ Billy informed her in his easy manner .
21 Yet had n't Celia told her about her prolonged labour , and how her aunt had saved the baby by resuscitation ?
22 Basically that David had moved out of Plaistow Grove to leave her on her own to die , to live with the fancy whore from America , and yet on other days , of course , I was perfectly lovely and would come and shop with her and do everything .
23 My wife also read it and declared it superior to the equivalent magazine sent her by her old University — Oxford .
24 They stood her in good stead when her father enrolled her at her next school , Riddlesworth Hall , two hours ' drive from Park House .
25 When Ariel gently lifted the old woman to move her to her own quarters up the path in the forest , Sycorax gave a huge cry , the folding of her body in Ariel 's arms shot fiery rivers of pain through her that for a while swallowed up all the others she suffered from her burns .
26 Thankfully , she allowed the revolving door to take her in its firm embrace and deposit her in the hall .
27 The other girls disliked her for her outstanding looks and her haughty ways and made no attempt to be friendly on anything but the most superficial level and the pattern cutters and sewing hands hurried home to their families and boyfriends the moment they finished their long day 's work .
28 She had consented to intercourse with him and would not have done so had she known of the disease , yet her consent was not vitiated by his omission to tell her of his bodily condition .
29 Carole would take the first opportunity to get her on her own and have a word with her in private .
30 When it finished , there was lunch and music : all her favourite foods calling her with their rich odours of spiced meats and pasta .
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