Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] down to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Blair crept down to the bank whilst I rehearsed various reasons to explain why he had not caught the trout : lack of experience , bad casting technique .
2 A roadside gate opposite admits to a field sloping down to the river ( no path ; no right of way so seek permission to visit ) where , in a wild and impressive setting , the Dee , here flowing in a deep ravine , leaps in a waterfall into a deep pool beneath a high canopy of trees .
3 A short flight of stone steps led down to the entrance .
4 His eyes flickered down to the gondola .
5 The reporter 's eyes flickered down to the floor .
6 Others flow into a stone tank or pond , or have a brick well-housing , with steps leading down to the water .
7 She had reached the pier now , and , still fighting against the wind , made for the flight of iron steps leading down to the beach .
8 There was a gate in the wall that overlooked the seashore — the wall where she and Guido had stood last night — with a flight of stone steps leading down to the beach .
9 The Doctor looked back from the short flight of steps leading down to the entry hall , and watched the TARDIS dematerialize with a feeling of pain at seeing his ship go without him .
10 The slight figure of a woman emerged from the hotel and stood on the steps leading down to the terrace , scanning the tables with anxious eyes and making agitated , jerky movements with her hands .
11 Or what we could do , well , what I mean is , maybe would n't do any harm going down to the pub tonight to see if the others are there , only a quick drink mind , we ca n't be sure what they 're like yet — ’
12 Chatterton climbed down to the deck and told me that Robin-Anne had eaten a huge breakfast .
13 ‘ We decided to build a balcony with steps going down to the garden , but our builder advised us to think about the year-round advantages of a conservatory , ’ Claudia explained .
14 There were some steps going down to the foreshore near a riverside pub .
15 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
16 Accounting stripped down to the core The latest chapters in the ASB 's Statement of Principles deal with some fundamental issues
17 When the dun evening comes the kids go down to the irrigation channels for some bilharzia bathing .
18 Toby went down to the door and returned , followed by Sikes .
19 Gazza 's former Spurs team-mate Gary Lineker turned his talents to cricket yesterday and made 103 for Cross Arrows at Lord 's , but his side went down to the Stock Exchange by five wickets
20 Gloria and Dot went down to the Town Hall once a fortnight to collect Dot 's vitamin ration .
21 So Dr Losberne went down to the kitchen to talk to the three servants who had surprised Sikes and Oliver during the robbery .
22 There is a huge sign here below the Allt Coire Giubhsachan , a steep , slabby waterfall cascading down to the edge of the car park , that yells , ‘ WARNING !
23 " When you get into the field you can see the wood sloping down to the river .
24 Then his gaze moved down to the painting .
25 At Gebe/ Serag the cultivation on the east bank disappeared altogether and the desert came down to the river , leaving only the railway line and a few scrubby bushes clinging to the water 's edge .
26 He made fast the rope round Trent 's neck to the handhold beside the companionway leading down to the head in the port hull .
27 Smelling the water , Daisy needed no further encouragement and put on a spurt to hurry down to the river .
28 A quaint old-world village slopes down to the water , over green downs , quarried like some gigantic rabbit burrow , with the stone workings of seven hundred years ’ .
29 He found him , or was found by him , on the 22nd of June , in the valley of the river Lugg , near Pilleth , where the steep slopes of Bryn Glas hurtled down to the track on one hand , and the flats and meadows of the river hemmed it on the other .
30 Set in tropical gardens leading down to the beach , the Nyali Beach is one of Kenya 's best known hotels .
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