Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] him in [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Count on us , ’ Tina reassured him in her rough , warm way .
2 For much of the last couple of decades , he has been living in France , where he is accorded a reverence denied him in his native country .
3 Often he would send for Cranmer in the night to reassure him in his religious doubts and difficulties .
4 When he told him he would be arrested for being drunk , Sweeney butted him in his left eye and brought his knee up to his groin .
5 Sara took him in her newly-decorated classrooms upstairs with their modern office equipment — she was particularly proud of her electric typewriter — but David Fairfax was more interested in the photographs of her grandfather , driving his tandems and four-in-hands , on the landing walls .
6 Himmler received him in his private sitting room in the south wing .
7 Experience of the corruption and nepotism of Rome confirmed him in his Anglican allegiance .
8 The Prior joined him in his small chamber , his sandalled feet beating like a tambour along the stone corridor , his grey gown billowing around him .
9 Joshua Cohen had long ago recognised that Jacob would never make a businessman and had quickly abandoned his dream of having his son join him in his scrap-iron store .
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