Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] its [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 IBM Corp made its debut at the National Association of Broadcasters Exhibition with its Ultimedia Tools Series , an integrated suite of over 60 software tools .
2 FRISC got its name from a design that included on-board floating point and interleaved memory .
3 Ontario was designed by a master hand , with many built-in contrasts — for example , compare the eerie wind sculpted rocks at Tobermory ( Flowerpot Island got its name for a good reason ) and the twists and turns of the 1,000 islands to the smooth , sandy beaches at Grand Bend or the rolling farmland in Mennonite country .
4 Meanwhile , the Czechoslovak government has allocated a budget to promote its position on the dam abroad .
5 This has given time for the ‘ marked ’ isotope to work its way through the environment much more thoroughly than in Turin .
6 The latter case found its way on the front page of the Sunday People under the headline BEAUTY QUEEN 'S LIFE OF CRIME Terrorised wife 's story .
7 The PNSF had previously been staunchly anti-Arafat and the initiative was regarded by some sources as an attempt by Syria to strengthen its influence over the PLO [ for March reports of Syrian plans to increase its influence within the PLO see p. 38121 ] .
8 The route has its intake in the Gaza Strip , which is occupied territory captured by Israel in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war .
9 Several legal experts doubted its viability as a test case , however , because of uncertainties about the application of constitutional rights in the territories .
10 Her caring approach on the course has its background in the golfing upbringing she had from her father , Bill Kratzert , who , like her husband and her brother , is a professional .
11 And the rip-off was well divided and a segment found its way to a bank account that was anonymous in all but its number .
12 Given the miserable legislative record of the Duma and its manifest inability to impose its will on the government , the policy of clinging to the Duma in the hope that popular respect for the Russian parliament would grow proved vain .
13 Arguments of this kind normally started from the assumption that the powers of Europe were still in a ‘ state of nature ’ with respect to each other and that each of them was engaged , consciously or not , in a ceaseless struggle to increase its influence at the expense of its neighbours .
14 In the same year the N A L R W U changed its name to the National Union of Agricultural Workers ( NUAW ) .
15 This image of the male owes its origin to the writings of the great historian Herodotus , following his visit to ancient Egypt two and a half thousand years ago .
16 The price of land there has skyrocketed since Nagano announced its bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics " .
17 • Ropeable Lotus dealers in the US were after Lotus boss Michael Kimberley 's blood after the Lotus-badged Bertone Emotion made its debut at the Detroit show earlier this year .
18 EVERY year the Northern Region Councils Association produces its State of the Region report .
19 During a series of pre-conference meetings between members of the government-in-exile and its critics , the government reportedly agreed to restore the original 1962 constitution in return for an undertaking by the opposition to affirm its loyalty to the ruling dynasty .
20 There were workmen on the scaffolding and , down at the bottom , a small boat nudging its way along the length of the works .
21 On Jan. 9 , 1990 , the US administration announced its support for the restoration of World Bank loans to China which met " basic human needs " ; the International Herald Tribune reported on Jan. 13 that this covered about $2,000 million of the $7,000 million sought by the World Bank .
22 And it evinces a rather daring readiness to weave its fiction around the world of work , where private lives are inextricably bound up with talk of profit margins and raw materials .
23 As Kelly stood watching the string , her hands sunk deep into her windcheater pockets , Harry Short 's Mercedes made its way along the gallops between the path and the road .
24 His great black horse made its way through the crowd of menservants until he came alongside the princess 's window .
25 The new groups who were in the charts , even as the British Task Force made its way across the Atlantic — Duran Duran , ABC , Spandau Ballet — suggested that , of all things , fun was once again back in fashion .
26 The blizzard was worse now , and what little light made its way between the flakes was failing .
27 A cold grey light made its way round the corners of the curtains and trickled into the room .
28 I remember that between a death and the subsequent funeral the street would be very quiet , pianos were locked , children were not allowed to play anywhere near the house and on the day of interment , all blinds were drawn , whilst as the cortege made its way to the Cemetery people would stop , the men always removing headgear .
29 Bruce , defending the expansion of university extra-mural work since the war , saw the future role of the WEA primarily as a student-body rather than as one with a teaching responsibility , ‘ an organisation of all adult students ’ with little or no emphasis on the working-class element : ‘ in the general interest , it would seem best … for the WEA to concentrate its attention upon the stimulation and organisation of demand … all but the most elementary pioneer work could become the responsibility of Extra-Mural Departments or local authorities ’ with the WEA left as ‘ the mouthpiece of lively , conscious student demand ’ .
30 The aristocratic disdain for manual labour has its counterpart in the Situationist ’ attitude to the working class considered as the moronised victims of the spectacle .
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