Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] up by [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Foreign trade responded to the opportunities opened up by the outlets to the Baltic and later the Black Sea , grain becoming the major export .
2 A typical short cut was the successful assumption that some indicators set up by the operators in the four machine windows were not random but girls ' names or four-letter dirty German words .
3 Kingfisher risks having its bid held up by a Monopolies Commission investigation because of the grip it would have on the electrical retailing market if it controlled Dixons and Currys as well as Comet .
4 That was just bullshit made up by the producers .
5 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
6 Concocting any half-truth that suited some harebrained plan dreamed up by the spooks in Century House .
7 ‘ In the majority of the villages occupied during the sieges of Newark , there are traces of the earthworks thrown up by the besiegers , most consisting of a few eroded banks or ditches . ’
8 Again from Criminal Statistics ( 1988 ) we see that there has been an increase in the number of offences cleared up by the police , between 1979 and 1988 of 27.3 per cent ( from 980,700 to 1,248,900 ) .
9 These occur twice a day and may not , under rules drawn up by the journalists themselves , be mentioned in print .
10 The radical programmes drawn up by the experts were severely qualified .
11 Within such an institutional arrangement there is , by implication , little room for alternative practices , including those possibilities opened up by the women 's and gay liberation movements of the period , and it is such an arrangement that constituted , for Gummer , the previously existing moral consensus .
12 A major new training initiative set up by the Women 's Unit and the Personnel Services Division could have a profound effect on women 's employment across Europe .
13 Subtract that figure from the score notched up by the weeds and we shall then be in a position to predict the number of traits that an average crop plant would have to acquire in order to become weedy .
14 They had been draped with canvas to protect them from the rain , and a watchman in wet buckram saluted civilly , then stepped back in haste to avoid the splashes thrown up by the hooves of the passing st'lyan .
15 Despite a last minute clear up by the travellers the common was still strewn with waste — the leftovers of a twenty thousand strong party .
16 For its part , West Germany was unhappy about the restrictions that had been placed upon the economic development of much of its heavy industry by the International Ruhr Authority , an organisation set up by the Allies during their military occupation of Germany : the Schuman Plan offered a way to eliminate the Authority while still satisfying West Germany 's neighbours about its intentions .
17 The Slovene Domobranci ( or Home Guard ) were a militia set up by the Germans to take part in operations against Tito 's partisans .
18 Leaving Christian pulling on his boots with the intention of going to assist the gipsies , Seb made his way to the camp set up by the road-makers .
19 Thai campaigners have also criticized poor standards in the centres set up by the police to hold animals seized during raids .
20 Even so , The Survivors is less convincing as a portrayal of a dire predicament than as a formal arrangement set up by the figures as they stretch and strain over the raft .
21 The oil spilt from the Braer was unusually light and toxic , and this , combined with fierce storms which mixed it into the seawater and caused it combine to form clumps with fine particles churned up by the waves , meant that rather than floating to the surface , as is normal with spilt crude oil , it was carried by ocean currents far from the spill site and later redeposited in deep " sumps " on the seabed .
22 This was a newly independent state formed by the Allies around the nucleus of the Polish puppet state set up by the Germans in 1916 .
23 One of the main causes for concern brought up by the employees was not being involved with a number of changes that were taking place .
24 The £56 ( for fitting an Alfasud seat ) included a metal bar to reduce the space taken up by the safety-straps in the boot .
25 Unfortunately , the crop-haired young man picked up by the police turned out to be a journalist trying to infiltrate a skinhead gang for a story .
26 From such a vantage point you can scan up to a mile along many beaches and spot objects cast up by the tides .
27 The failure of the insurgents to secure the country 's political and economic nerve-centres , the provision of German and Italian military aid and the resistance put up by the defenders of Republican legality had turned the insurrection into a war whose duration or outcome no one could foretell .
28 He recently drew up an ethics policy for United Biscuits , which he expects all his managers to endorse , because ‘ as a business becomes bigger and bigger — we now have operations in Japan , America and Belgium as well as the UK — I think the family ethics drawn up by the founders can gradually get eroded or watered down . ’
29 The accusation came after Mr John Gummer , the Agriculture Minister — under fierce Labour and consumer group pressure — produced a list drawn up by the manufacturers on the 70 microwave oven models tested by Government scientists .
30 Instead , Mr Gummer told the House of Commons the list drawn up by the manufacturers themselves contained new instructions which would make all the machines ‘ perfectly safe in use . ’
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