Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] not have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are two reasons for this : ( a ) the correct words do not have a proven semantic relationship ( unlike the semantic pairs ) , and ( b ) the control words are not artificially selected but instead are random orthographic derivations of the correct words and therefore not necessarily unrelated .
2 We all welcome his precision in noting the fact that the Opposition do not have a proper policy .
3 For example , 127 out of 196 schools did not have a single English textbook in grade one and 80 per cent had no maths books .
4 While many schools did not have a full complement of teachers , the Ministry was unable to create new posts for lack of funds .
5 It means one in four schools do not have a full staff .
6 This may well be possible : there is hardly a field of study in which computers do not have a valuable role to play .
7 Afghanistan did not have a comparable legal obligation to third states predetermining its conduct in peacetime or war .
8 Unlike numeric variables , string variables do not have a fixed length .
9 The main provision of the most recent guidelines issued in 1986 provides that the prohibition in Article 85(1) will not apply to agreements where the parties together do not enjoy more than 5 per cent of the total market for the goods or services in the area of the common market affected by their agreement and the parties do not have a combined annual turnover exceeding 200,000,000 ECU ( approximately £140-150m ) .
10 That is very different from the approach of the Government , who have not only abandoned a serious commitment to training , but have suggested that sectors do not have a valuable role to play .
11 All the same Salah Muhammad did not have a clear run .
12 ‘ The Pru did not have a budgetary system before I joined , the accountants produced some numbers every year but they were not comprehensive or in any sense management information .
13 The Pru did not have a budgetary system before I joined .
14 Dismissed because of his " too personal " interpretations of environmental affairs , Illes told a press conference that he believed that the environment would be sacrificed as the government struggled for foreign investment and the population grappled with increasing poverty , and added that Hungary does not have a coherent environmental policy .
15 Melanee does not have a fixed career pattern planned ahead , ( models acknowledge that they have a short shelflife ) .
16 The United States does not have a feudal history .
17 Unlike most industries the pharmaceutical industry does not have a simple , direct relationship with the customer but rather a complex interaction with the medical profession , the health care system and the general public .
18 In addition G. lamarcki does not have a dense covering of granules in the oral region and ventral part of the arms and it has a maximum of five arm spines not four as in G. caputmedusae .
19 Labour does not have a clear policy on whether it believes in a second and tolled crossing , or wants just one very congested bridge — which would be very bad news for Wales .
20 It should be remembered that parents do not have a statutory right to withdraw their children but governors have a duty to make a decision on any application for withdrawal which is made to them .
21 Most parents do not have a large lump sum to invest and have to rely on regular savings plans sometimes boosted by a modest capital investment .
22 The US secretary of state , Warren Christopher , said in Geneva that the major powers had agreed on negotiations , but it seemed that Mr Christopher did not have a cast-iron Palestinian commitment on new talks .
23 Philip Leapor did not have a captive market .
24 In the first place , half of the non-union green-field site companies did not have a formal system whereby management informed or consulted with their employees .
25 If the non-member does not have a contractual relationship with the exchange it will be unable to take any action against the exchange for breach of an implied duty of fairness .
26 However , the major question raised by section I(2) of the Criminal Damage Act is why English law does not have a general offence of endangerment .
27 The histological interpretation of biopsy specimens and diagnosis of dysplasia is fraught with the problems of inter and intraobserver variation — that is , the diagnostic test does not have a sound discriminatory basis .
28 Infants under 2 years do not have a separate baggage allowance .
29 Open urban unemployment increased five-fold between 1981 and 1986 , and 45 per cent of the working population did not have a permanent or full-time job .
30 Though popular with his contemporaries , and a fine sportsman , gaining a tennis half-blue at Cambridge , Horne did not have a spectacular academic career and was sent down in December 1927 .
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