Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] by a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On this assumption , all is not lost , as the expenses of a training course undertaken by a self-employed person are allowed as a business deduction under general principles when the training is undertaken for the purposes of the trade .
2 In social work practice the term ‘ relationship ’ is used to describe the context of the general helping activities undertaken by a social worker in interaction with a particular client .
3 The degree of support given to Newton 's theory by Galle 's observation of Neptune is no different from the degree of support given by a modern observation of Neptune .
4 They are condemned as signs of unclear or lazy thinking — and , indeed , when they are overused or inappropriately used ( as in a wall of political hedging erected by a defensive politician ) — they are widely and justifiably attacked .
5 My friend Jim 's wife is in America and my other pal 's had his heart broken by a hard-hearted woman with a background like yours , who passed him up in favour of an arranged marriage . ’
6 Among the items taken from his Darlington home were electric blankets , souvenirs and a treasured portrait of Winston Churchill given by a grateful constituent .
7 CDs are literally a certificate given by a deposit-taking institution like a bank or building society to acknowledge the existence of a deposit made .
8 Via a back to nursing course organised by a nursing employment agency .
9 In other words , not for the first time , it was the estate policies pursued by a particular landowner which produced the northern village plans .
10 Note also the oval aperture surrounded by a narrow rim .
11 We have tea in the conservatory , an Edwardian addition dominated by a magnificent vine .
12 The European Parliament voted by a large majority in January 1990 to freeze scientific co-operation between EC countries and Israel until universities on the West Bank , which had been closed since the beginning of the uprising , were reopened .
13 The school itself is described as ‘ on a healthy eminence surrounded by a small court and garden .
14 The zig-zag stripes of trench-systems lay on either side like the skin shed by a massive snake .
15 Formerly the Newspaper Proprietors Association , it now became the Newspaper Publishers Association , marking a shift from member groups dominated by a single proprietor to corporations managed on more orthodox commercial lines and with a wide range of finance .
16 The Cellar is situated in the basement of a building owned by a local estate agent and on the fringe of the main shopping area .
17 It sounds sufficiently tedious in an English public school fashion , an effect compounded by a little book of mock verses , Noctes Binanianae , composed mainly in the summer and autumn of 1937 ; it was privately printed and announced as " Certain Voluntary and Satyrical Verses and Compliments as were lately Exchang 'd between some of the Choicest Wits of the Age " .
18 SURPRISINGLY conventional fare from the BBCSSO with a popular classical programme prefaced by a short piece by Henze .
19 Brassicas , for example , can then be netted against pigeons , or carrots surrounded by a low fence of plastic sheeting to repel root fly .
20 The special , complex mood communicated to the reader through this kind of romantic adventure has as its literary results a particular intensity of emotion fostered by a constant shift of pace , tension and suspense .
21 In some cases the government 's attempts to tighten its control and impose administrative and cultural uniformity created nationalist opposition where virtually none had existed : this was most evident in the Baltic provinces dominated by a Germanic aristocracy and in the semi-autonomous Duchy of Finland .
22 AN elephant in Dublin Zoo had its trunk severed by a visiting elephant from Chester Zoo , the Dail has been told .
23 These institutions would henceforward all be financed directly from Exchequer funds disbursed by a central body , appointed by the Secretary of State .
24 This is thanks to work by a corrective action team set up in January last year to investigate high and variable losses of caustic soda to the drain .
25 On Abbey Craig , overlooking Stirling 's fifteenth-century Old Bridge , now stands a tall monument designed by a local mason and completed in 1869 .
26 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
27 Eight minutes of swooning , swirling guitar crescendos undercut by a moody bass and an unrelenting drum beat with Salli 's near angelic vocals creating a lulling scenario , akin to reading a novel which stops halfway through .
28 The document produces a revenue account with standard headings which it expects will be adopted by most divisions of service , although it recognizes that the detail heads adopted by a particular division will be different .
29 A study prepared by a working party set up by the Planning Ministry reported in 1983 that France would need to slow its nuclear growth , cut coal production and adjust foreign gas supply contracts .
30 The monochromatic beam ( selected by filter ) from a mercury vapour lamp is directed through a differential cell , consisting of a solution and solvent compartment separated by a diagonal glass wall .
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