Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] at [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The last sentence begs at least four questions , and will be analysed in some detail .
2 With these riches of computer power at their fingertips , it still rankles with the quantum fraternity that the molecules which they can accurately subject to quantum description remain at only 2–20 electron systems .
3 Yet , however extended , the basic process of writing and printing retained at least some elements of mediation .
4 There is no cure for this , but fortunately it is usually found that such processes do not occur in some fraction of photoionization events , so that the observed spectrum contains at least some intensity in an unshifted line , accompanied by various ‘ satellites ’ corresponding to the energy loss processes .
5 Third , I think there are good reasons to encourage at least one food supermarket in the city centre .
6 I make it a rule to go at least three times .
7 Similarly , purposeful action involves at least implicit recognition of some future achievement , but a general sense of the future could not have resulted until man applied his mind systematically to the problem of future events .
8 Schumpeter produces at least two definitions , closely similar in spirit to one another : ‘ Democracy means only that the people have the opportunity of accepting or refusing the men who are to rule them ’ .
9 One of them Michael Huskison , who took photographs of the incident , said he saw the horse whipped at least 15 times .
10 This study goes at least some way towards overcoming the problems of other work discussed by Box and Hale ( 1986 , pp. 74–5 ) , in that it relies on self-reported victimisation rather than police figures on recorded crime , and it controls for other socio-demographic variables .
11 There is a chain of mountain huts placed at roughly day-stage intervals but these do not offer meals .
12 However , about a third of compounds owned at least one mango tree , and about 10% one or more pawpaw ( papaya ) trees .
13 Masking is such a common operation that many computers provide at least one arithmetic or logical instruction which can specify a mask as well as the primary operands .
14 The aircraft crashed at approximately 1230 hrs with no injury to anyone on the ground .
15 The current research looks at more detailed issues arising in the selection of samples for telephone surveys .
16 Farmers in the past , just as now have had to weigh their goods somewhere , but it seems a curious activity to carry out in the middle of a field and down through quite a number of generations ( the weights span at least two centuries ) .
17 If Levitation dropped at least three songs from their set tonight they could have been dynamically interesting instead of sparsely tedious , but at least they would n't get invites to a House Of Love musical appreciation party .
18 Silverstone 's demise would be mourned by everyone in Formula One , since it offers a unique challenge as the fastest track in the world , with drivers lapping at over 150 miles per hour .
19 Although wishing to increase membership , Council was anxious that direct entry was not seen as an easy option and instructed the M&R Committee to apply rigorously the requirement that the candidates demonstrate at least five years ' experience at senior level in credit management and to raise to 30 years the minimum age .
20 It was then suggested that MCC had similarities to ‘ a Catherine wheel turning at ever increasing speeds … whose final whirl could end with a bang ( i.e. Robert Maxwell proclaiming the triumph of a clean balance sheet ) or a splutter ’ .
21 Market research shows at least 3,500 practices plan to computerise in the next 12 months , and this is almost certainly a conservative figure .
22 In the second set of interviews , by contrast , when asked , five out of six informants recall at least one grandparent .
23 On the day after his inauguration the new President ordered at least 162 people — including his immediate predecessor Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and her entire Cabinet — not to attempt to leave the country for one month .
24 CITY OF EDINBURGH women stayed on top of the Scottish League first division yesterday with a 99-48 win over an Edinburgh Royals side containing at least four players who have represented Scotland .
25 The IBM employee gets at least five days training every year .
26 Daytime fishing entails at least twenty hours , probably more , to fish the best times .
27 Even among subjects examined at least three years after successful treatment of H pylori infection , the extent of gastric metaplasia did not change significantly .
28 The only thing even vaguely new about it was the padlock on the door , which Jekub hit at about six miles an hour .
29 However its significance may gradually have been more fully appreciated in the 1960s as a series of papers and books provided at least four ingredients which emphasized the necessity to consider man in physical geography .
30 It will continue until every employee managing at least one person is Creci-trained .
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