Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] with [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore we would expect a forward contract and a financial futures contract with the same specifications to have the same price .
2 The outcome was a decision to continue with the same dosage , because what is the use of physical strength without the brain to direct it ?
3 This indicates that drinking is often a response to an inability to cope with the many losses of old age .
4 Company commitment and the willingness to remain with the same firm for long periods may therefore be underpinned by the prospect of heavy sacrifices that accompany the alternatives .
5 The pattern of extended family living persists with the few Bangladeshis who have grown up in Cardiff or elsewhere in Britain .
6 A recent prospective study of high grade gastric lymphoma found that survival was similar in patients who underwent complete , incomplete , or no surgical therapy before chemotherapy and that the prognostic factors predicting survival were similar to those in patients with nodal lymphoma treated with the same chemotherapy regimen .
7 However , if in addition to the sole accounts you operate a joint a joint current or savings account with the same bank or building society , you should check from the outset whether the terms and conditions include a right of set off , whereby funds on these accounts may be required to repay the debt on others held by you or your partner .
8 In particular , the copper phenanthroline hypersensitive bands at positions -4 , -5 , -6 ( Fig. 5 lanes 1 , 3 , 5–10 ) which are characteristic of the unwound DNA structure of the open complex appear with the same intensity for all enzymes .
9 Once established , a pool needs very little maintenance compared with the many delights it offers .
10 In addition , complaints to electricity watchdog Offer in the first quarter of 1993 were down by 44pc compared with the same period of 1992 .
11 The previous day members of Raughley SAC ( Sligo ) led by Ian Parke fished with the same skipper and recorded large numbers of coalfish to 8lbs , pollack to 10lbs and ling to 12lbs .
12 ( b ) Express terms negative implied terms An express term in a lease generally excludes the possibility of the implication of a term dealing with the same subject matter as the implied term .
13 This was followed in the case of Ellen Street Estates Ltd. v. The Minister of Health ( C.A. , 1934 ) where the court found that it was impossible for Parliament to enact that , in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter , there should be no implied repeal .
14 The Legislature can not , according to our constitution , bind itself as to the form of subsequent legislation , and it is impossible for Parliament to enact that in a subsequent statute dealing with the same subject-matter there can be no implied repeal .
15 I had n't noticed this picture much while she was alive , but now she was dead it seemed as if her eyes sparkled with the same vitality that they had appeared to possess when I had seen her lying cold on her straw mattress a few days earlier .
16 I just want to tell you , time I done that done that on a number of spreadsheets compared with the same label on one , on one
17 Assuming the same loop travelling with the same velocity as in the previous example , the flux through the loop varies as
18 A hearing might be adjourned in order to be combined with another similar reference dealing with the same school and the same stage of education .
19 Shankweiler and Studdert-Kennedy ( 1967 ) used a device to generate consonant-vowel ( cv ) syllables from different consonants paired with the same vowel .
20 Where the statutory provision deals with the same area , the prerogative may be extinguished either expressly or by implication .
21 ( x ) Put the slide at once into a Coplin jar filled with the same fixative and leave for at least 20 min .
22 Thicken towards the end of cooking if necessary with plain flour mixed with a little water and a few drops of bottled gravy browning .
23 The directive deals with the same matters with respect to credit institutions that the Fourth and Seventh Company Law Directives dealt with for the generality of companies .
24 SURVIVOR : Patrese escaped with a few bruises
25 He noted , in his journal in October 1919 , that there had been an increase of 37 vagrants attending the institution as ‘ casuals ’ in the previous two weeks compared with the same period the previous year ; six of them were discharged soldiers .
26 Of all the skills , riding was the ultimate test and the one the team viewed with the least enthusiasm .
27 CytR binds with the same affinity to the two probes ( data not shown ) .
28 The match finished with a few variations on ‘ Boring Boring Ipswich ’ and ‘ I ca n't read and I ca n't write but I can drive a tractor/taxi ’ .
29 Professional counsellors faced with the same client would be clear that it is their task to explore emotions and they allocate the time to do it ; social workers have the mixed task of practical and emotional support but they have a restricted caseload and the time to build up a relationship .
30 Another way of measuring external reliability is to compare the scores obtained by different testers working with the same group of children .
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