Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
2 A note on the file at St Martin's-le-Grand shows that for the year ending 31 December , 1920 , the Electrophone Company 's income from subscribers was £11 868 , its operating expenses were £5866 , and its royalty payment to the Post Office was just £496 .
3 Willie Queen , Scottish regional secretary of the TGWU , said : ‘ This study shows that for a country like Scotland to function properly , an integrated and high-quality public transport system is not a luxury , it is a necessity . ’
4 Interactionist approaches to explaining crime imply that for the purpose of studying such behaviour there is a correlation between being regarded as a criminal and in fact becoming one .
5 ‘ such a policy of insurance or security ’ The prosecution must show that the insurance , if any is produced , does not conform to the requirements of section 143 , Road Traffic Act 1988 , as section 147 ( 1 ) of that Act requires that for a policy to be effective , the insurers must deliver a certificate in the prescribed form to the assured .
6 The committee thought that for a grass court tournament she should be marginally favoured over Sanchez Vicario . ’
7 But the Coroner says that for the time being , Marc 's death will remain a mystery .
8 Experts know little about how people are coping , but research in the past couple of years shows that for the majority of India 's people the cooking energy crisis is already here .
9 Presumably Philip judged that for the moment he had no means of putting pressure on either Henry or Richard which would be both legitimate and effective .
10 As far as the contribution of the residual factors is concerned , Denison estimated that for the period 1929–57 , economies of scale at the national and local level accounted for 0.35 per cent and advances in knowledge for 0.58 per cent .
11 Mr Gill : Given the reluctance of large organisations and bureaucracies to devolve powers to the lower orders , does my hon. Friend consider that for the principle of subsidiarity to be acceptable it will be necessary for a full and detailed prospectus to be issued showing what powers will be devolved to the national Parliaments ?
12 An even harder-hitting report from the National Association of Citizen 's Advice Bureaux claimed that for every council house in the country there are ten people on the waiting lists .
13 Cecil recalls that for the tour the crew members were drawn from various squadrons from 5 Group .
14 Later figures showed that for the whole of 1922 over twice as much grain was transported by rail and waterways as in 1921 .
15 The court held that for the application of the rule to have been lawful it would have had to be justifiable irrespective of race or ethnic or national origins .
16 Modern refining techniques mean that for every barrel of crude oil refined , there will be a split between diesel and petrol fuels that can only be varied a small amount .
17 Jay Barlow of the US discovered that for the vaquita , new births into the population each year almost exactly balanced the losses through natural mortality .
18 However , common sense dictates that for a boy of 14 to be away from home and unsupported with no income , home or friends , is a very serious , vulnerable and lonely situation for him to be in , especially when this is for a period of three months .
19 Under Article IV , signatories agree that for the duration of the Treaty ( initially 30 years ) sovereignty claims will not be pursued or strengthened , i.e. are effectively shelved .
20 Of its 450 members , 162 last month signed a letter arguing that for the time being Ukraine should hold on to its nuclear weapons .
21 Edward Thompson maintains that for a variety of reasons traditional pursuits were strongly resilient through the eighteenth century and were weakened only by forces which developed in the nineteenth .
22 The 1977 Royal Commission on the Press found that for a quality newspaper , production costs accounted for 31% of total costs ; the next largest group of costs were attributed to newsprint and ink .
23 At times , of course , we know that the rate of subsidence ( and the rate of uplift ) has influenced the type of sedimentation , so the two are connected , but my general thesis remains that for the preservation of the bulk of the continental stratigraphical record we must think of the two as separate and independent phenomena .
24 The early experience suggests that for the enthusiast of language , for example , the latter approach and even the former is possible : equally too the science enthusiast in primary schools protests at the ease with which they can familiarise themselves with the process .
25 The bishop declared that for a clerk in holy orders to sit as a justice in eyre for forest pleas was contrary to the canons of the Church , and rendered him ineligible for an office involving the cure of souls .
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