Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Oxford United has scored , it 's Andy Melville that has put the ball into the net , into injury time , the cross came in , Martin Foyle headed it back across the face of the goal and it 's Andy Melville that has surely clinched three vital points for Oxford United ; into injury time , Oxford United one , Portsmouth nil .
2 Did you see much of the goal , or as it was a free kick floated in and Martin Foyle headed it back across the face of goal and erm your partner in crime really at the back put it in .
3 The cross came in , Martin Foyle headed it back across the face of the goal and it 's Andy Melville that has surely clinched three vital points for Oxford United .
4 Twelve years after the Republicans moved into the White House and 13 months after the Arkansas governor launched his long-shot bid to win it back for the Democrats , the man on the defensive was Mr Bush .
5 And er the sparrow thought he would maybe make it back to the mainland now so the peedie fairy climbed on his back and the sparrow flew it back to the mainland .
6 I spoke to the people , analysed the fault sent it back down the line .
7 A repurchase agreement provides a means for the short to lend money to the futures market : the short agrees to buy a bond with a provision to sell it back to the market at a predetermined price and to receive a rate of interest , the repo rate .
8 Stored away from the attentions of the KGB , Ivars Ozols Cirrus Minor powered aircraft requires help to get it back into the air .
9 Ruth pushed it back into the full glare of the sun and slumped down into it , raising her face to the hot sun to absorb its rays .
10 And Kalchu was satisfied and picked up the quivering body to carry it back to the fireside .
11 When Northern crops crash up against a new pest or a new processing requirement , breeders hightail it back to the gene pool in search of the genetic variability that may help them .
12 During the day the heat at the bottom of the vast bowl was the most intense any of them had ever experienced , but the whole convoy made it back to the Delta .
13 When it had been cut and bound into sheaves , Kalchu carried it back to the village and laid it out on racks inside the house until it was dry enough to thresh .
14 H laid it back on the table and went over to another , producing a small leather bag from his kilt .
15 The frequency of any vibrating system is governed by two factors : the forces pulling it back into the equilibrium position , and its mass .
16 A decade ago , NEC Corp surged past Motorola Inc and Texas Instruments Inc to become the world 's largest chipmaker , and Japan has held the title ever since — until 1991 , when according to Dataquest , Intel Corp grew 26% to win it back for the US .
17 But the remedies given by the sections include personal remedies , such as an order that the recipient of property transfer it back to the company , or an order that the other party to a transaction pay a sum of money to the trustee of the bankrupt 's estate .
18 His successor as landlord , James ( possibly a relation of John ) decided to rename the Alma the Jubilee Hotel , but in 1878 John Wharlton converted it back into The Alma Hotel .
19 After a knockdown the fallen fighter had so many seconds to make it back to the starting stance and the less able were those who did n't ‘ come up to scratch ’ .
20 That 's not too bad actually except the day the young men loaded it back onto the trailer when we 'd finished and it was one of these corners , and I happened to be muggins on the corner where that lever was , and he had n't tied it , it was only in the ratchet , you know , he should have tied it of course .
21 The XJ 40 had done 10,000 miles and he was glad of an excuse to take it back to the UK for a proper service .
22 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post , Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it in to the far post , looking for Paul , Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored .
23 Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored , Oxford United have scored , it 's Andy Melville that has put the ball into the net , into injury time .
24 Methodically he straightened the collection of papers to fit it back into the pocket , and then opened the wallet and inspected its contents .
25 I returned the amp for repair but the company sent it back with the same fault as before .
26 As , managing director of business psychologists , John Nicholson Associates , explained : ‘ A crude analogy is if you are a fleet manager and one of you cars is not working properly , then you check out the problem and see if it can be fixed in-house or go to external specialists to get it back on the road in peak condition as soon as possible . ’
27 They were persons who had been brain-washed by years of experience of disengaging from colonies and saw Northern Ireland as another external colony from which Great Britain was destined to disengage in order to hand it back to the natives whom they assumed were the republican Irish of the island as a whole .
28 Another affronted retort rose to her lips , but bewildered honesty forced Isabel to choke it back at the last moment .
29 Erm you know people know the answers questions or they 've got an idea material of your own experience you know a lot more than they do , but it 's good technique to throw it back to the group .
30 Some of this can be achieved through training , with time to relate it back to the working environment . ’
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