Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] the same [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Compulsive spenders suffer the same urge to go on a binge as compulsive drinkers , eaters or non-eaters , ’ declares Dr Christopher Cook of London 's Middlesex Hospital Psychiatry Unit .
2 This will give people the opportunity to see the same actors play three different parts , and it will give me that essential ingredient of a good farce : strong ensemble acting . ’
3 The Model E NC46V was used by Bayles to gain fourth place in the 1931 National Air Tour at over 140mph and at the National Air Races in that year Robert Hall ( chief designer to Granville Brothers Aircraft Inc ) flew the Sportster D NC11043 to gain first place in a 400cu in pylon race , and Bayles and Mae Haizlip used the same aircraft to gain places in several other races in 1931 .
4 ( make ) Both in the same script : the difference in the attempt to spell the same word indicates fairly clearly a weak visual memory .
5 He fails to mention that the two studies recorded in common from at least two folia in the ventral paraflocculus and he fails to cite the fact the individual Purkinje cells in these folia show the same effects reported by both groups .
6 Do all parties use the same words to mean the same thing ( eg do management accounts include a balance sheet or cash flow statement ) ?
7 Variations of units having the same name meant that sometimes there was easy money to be made , buying big chauldrons and selling small ones ; but usually this was only a minor nuisance , entailing conversion tables and making international communication a little more difficult .
8 Thus , he claims IBM 's act of tearing up its price list was a purely symbolic gesture , simply an attempt to keep the same situation going .
9 As we shall see , the attempt to employ the same concepts to describe quite different tasks was a common phenomenon among young nationalists .
10 This occurs when two words have the same vowel sounds in conjunction with different consonantal sounds : A stitch in time saves nine .
11 Perhaps we 're just as competitive professionally , merely better-mannered : perhaps beneath our relaxed admiration for one another 's work lies the same rage to kill .
12 Under the Children Act 1975 an adopted child has the same right to succeed on the intestacy of his adoptive parent as any other child born to that parent .
13 This is no criticism — virtually every sportsman has the same ability to turn a slight irritation or misfortune into a reason for defeat .
14 Less than a dozen years later , television , radio , newspapers , posters and placards proclaimed the same slogans extolling life in the ‘ age of Ceauşescu ’ .
15 An arm of the law arrived the same day to take Sam away from him , and also demanded to see what the man called ‘ the place of lodging ’ .
16 Future historians would in all likelihood use the same data to help answer entirely different questions were it accessible in its original form .
17 Well the supermarkets do the same thing do n't they ?
18 The boy had the same urge to better himself .
19 For instance , an accounting policy note might include an assurance that the interim statements reflect the same policies applied to the previous annual accounts and that , where appropriate , certain policies necessary to interim account preparation have been adopted ( for example , accounting for foreign exchange and taxation ) .
20 The programme , ‘ Betty and Bob ’ , was sponsored by a flour manufacturer , and Sample used the same idea to promote Oxydol washing powder for Proctor and Gamble , under seige from Unilever 's Rinso in the US market .
21 The local authority has the same duty to allow contact between the child and his parents and certain other individuals who have cared for him and the court has the same power to make contact orders under s34 .
22 When making an interim care order a court has the same duty to consider arrangements for contact as it does when making a final care order .
23 With mind-blowing slowness Paige felt the same hand move upwards again to close over her breast with a possessiveness that seemed to encompass every atom of her being .
24 Dairy farmers had the same problem to face 365 days per year .
25 Pleat had the chance to follow the same path trod by Terry Venables at Tottenham but could n't come up with the necessary funds for a stake in the struggling First Division outfit .
26 The party congress in August 1990 amended the party constitution to enable the same person to hold both the post of party chairman and that of President of the Republic , reversing an amendment made in 1985 when Julius Nyerere stepped down as President .
27 The local authority has the same duty to allow contact between the child and his parents and certain other individuals who have cared for him and the court has the same power to make contact orders under s34 .
28 Yesterday , a woman claimed the same charity had conned her out of more than three hundred pounds .
29 There are also job share schemes , with two people sharing the same job to fit in with collecting children from school and home working is being developed with the aid of technology .
30 Rarely will two people doing the same job deserve the same wage .
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