Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] out [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Denmark and Saxony hired out considerable forces to the anti-French coalition during the War of the Spanish Succession , while Britain employed Russian auxiliaries in 1747–48 and confidently expected to obtain others for use against the American colonists in 1775 .
2 Sounds feasable , I think the official FFL send out weekly stats to the league secretaries , so there would be no need for any research .
3 Constance stood there in a simple white dress , and in the twilight she looked like a slim young girl holding out welcoming arms to her guest .
4 ‘ My part in this was easy compared to his ’ , North tapped out one night to McFarlane , talking about Poindexter 's handling of the pre-Tehran manoeuvrings ; ‘ I only had to deal with our enemies .
5 If the red sunset was anything to go by , those rocks would really have their work cut out next day to be anything less than either hot or sunny .
6 The National Resources Defense Council sends out fat paperbacks to schools and businesses , usually unsolicited .
7 Some companies farm out elderly executives to a convenient backwater where they are given a lofty title — Senior Vice President in Charge of Something Unimportant .
8 During the 1980s , as the economy boomed , banks dished out substantial loans to all and sundry and enthusiastic entrepreneurs launched an endless stream of new companies , the venture capital industry became firmly established .
9 This is hardly the place to set out any argument to the contrary in detail , but attention should be drawn to the nearby temple , the altars , the cult-figures , the so-called nymphaeum and Christian monograms carved on its stone surround .
10 The peer group gives out clear signals to its members both about style and about fundamental values and perspectives .
11 EC president Jacques Delors last night ruled out any changes to the treaty .
12 But in the end I simply cashed my travellers " cheques and dodged the fuming puddles of Times Square handing out twenty-dollar bills to selected bums , whores , bagladies and time-cripples .
13 One man to come out of cover , to draw his fire , while the remaining operative pumped out enough shots to virtually guarantee a hit .
14 Ref Miller dished out yellow cards to Newry 's Ralph , Loughran and Tomilty as well as Dornan and Doherty of Linfield .
15 Oxfam sent out three engineers to the camps who installed water shortage , er , er water storage equipment .
16 The local law society holds out these solicitors to the general public as having substantial criminal experience but the rule seems to fulfil a symbolic role for the profession .
17 The Rialto will giving out full refunds to all ticket-holders for both shows .
18 Such was the interest provoked , that the Human Rights Society commissioned MORI to find out public attitudes to the ‘ right to live , issue .
19 Laws without strong enforcement are words without deeds , and the tragic truth is that courts in both England and the United States have displayed a general unwillingness to mete out harsh punishment to those found guilty of cruelty to animals and an even greater reluctance to render guilty verdicts in the first place .
20 Some weeks after that famous night Madame Giry went out one afternoon to a small house near the Rivoli Gardens .
21 A major stimulus in the industrialization of most European countries , railways held out particular promise to an economy uniquely handicapped by vast distances and poor communications .
22 The Agreement sets out parallel texts to the existing provisions on Social Policy in the Treaty of Rome which the eleven will apply in deciding social matters .
23 Each death brings out greater opposition to the army in the streets , the world 's attention is gained and held , and revolution , for a brief brilliant moment , seems possible .
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