Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The abstract quality of symbols such as the Swastika renders it difficult for cerebral intelligence to grasp the full concept and implications of their purpose , which is to awaken the more subliminal centres relating to feelings and intuitive responses .
2 In fact , the erratic supplies of kerosene and LPG make it impossible for many middle-class families to rely on one source of energy .
3 Paul 's verdict : ease of use and good performance in sheltered conditions are this stove 's good points — and the propane/butane fuel mix makes it suitable for colder seasons .
4 Task format and quiz with key makes it suitable for private study and for use by non-specialist teachers .
5 As well as strengthening the role of governors , the 1986 Act made it impossible for political nominees to control governing bodies , as they often had in the past , while the 1988 Act transfers the management of most schools from local education authorities ( LEAs ) to the individual school .
6 The Housing and Town Planning Act made it obligatory for local authorities to prepare surveys of their housing needs , to draw up plans to deal with them , and to carry out their schemes .
7 It has already been noted that interactions between infant and adult lead to the development of pre-verbal communicative exchanges in which adult and child are able to refer to objects and events ; successful joint reference makes it possible for these external objects and events to become ‘ topics ’ for further exchanges .
8 On 1 January 1982 a Government Decree made it lawful for private trading by ‘ collaboration of persons for economic purposes ’ , and indeed the 1988 Act itself calls unlimited partnerships where only individual persons participate the same name .
9 Its general secretary , Christine Hancock , said : ‘ The investment in primary health care and the six specialty reviews make it unnecessary for any nurse to lose her job . ’
10 The banning of one-party committees or sub-committees makes it difficult for political groups to develop policy with the benefit of officer advice .
11 This is because the solution has numerous additives to make it suitable for restorative embalming .
12 We have modernised the procedures of this place to make it compulsory for all private and hybrid Bills to incorporate environmental impact assessment statements .
13 This expansionist financial relationship made it possible for central government ministers to use the rhetoric of partnership , while actually bribing local authorities to act as their agents .
14 It may be that the draconian and secret nature of the procedure makes it unattractive for smaller firms : perhaps where there are as few as three partners , some check on its exercise should be incorporated in the partnership agreement .
15 This not only affects how the male public react to policewomen in the province , it also influences how male colleagues treat policewomen in the work environment and the sorts of duties they are assigned in practice ; and the dearth of senior female officers makes it easy for male colleagues to impose such limits on the role of policewomen .
16 To a large extent technology has eroded much of MI6 's original style of work while modern communications make it difficult for political decisions to remain secret for very long even behind the Iron Curtain .
17 A lack of capital , the tied cottage system , and the workers ' age and lack of formal qualifications make it impossible for many to move to better jobs elsewhere ( Newby 1972a ) .
18 Memories of the country 's former sadness as a battlefield and burial ground make it depressing for many English ; Bernard and Laura , by contrast , conscious that both their fathers had fought in this part of France in World War I , found this link with their native country comforting .
19 Family and employment pressures make it impossible for many parents to offer help and their feelings and attitudes need careful consideration .
20 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
21 The nature of public enterprise objectives makes it difficult for political authorities to evaluate and control the activities of the enterprises .
22 Critics claim the technology is 1980s passe and not for Unix and that it would take a tremendous amount of engineering to make it suitable for modern enterprise-wide client/server applications that demand object-oriented solutions .
23 The new legislation made it possible for all South Africans to purchase freehold tenure to the 87 per cent of South Africa 's land hitherto reserved for the white minority , although it placed no obligation on white owners to sell , and commentators pointed out that few blacks had the means to buy .
24 Paragraph 4–278 of Archbold , 44th ed. ( 1992 ) is to the same effect , though it must be read in the light of the guidelines , which their Lordships find it unnecessary for present purposes to consider .
25 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
26 The last of these poses a special problem , since the terms of Lady Barber 's bequest make it impossible for temporary exhibitions to take place within the building .
27 Health regulations are subject to change , and you should check with your own doctor prior to departure as to which inoculations the Department of Health consider it necessary for specific areas .
28 Its short length makes it ideal for ordinary day-to-day wear .
29 Its 44ft 9in ( 13.6m ) overall length makes it manageable for inshore racing , and very comfortable for offshore racing .
30 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
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