Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stafford 's Sutherland estates produced an annual income of £16,000 , but this was not enough .
2 The most significant breakthrough in this respect was the decision to implement a common tariff on imports from January 1991 , in order to facilitate the eventual removal of all barriers to intra-community trade .
3 Through his stimulus , the art of pictorial narrative experienced a major revival in twelfth-century England .
4 This is because increasing the proportion of left handers in the overall population by shifting the criterion to the right takes in a larger segment of the RS — distribution , but this segment constitutes a changing proportion of the number of individuals to the left of this criterion ( i.e. the left handers ) .
5 Beautifully decorated inside and out , the Maria offers a good standard of accommodation and traditional family hospitality at a reasonable price .
6 Isolated nuclei display an ATP-dependent uptake of calcium , of which 20% was subsequently released by InsP 3 ( ref. 138 ) .
7 Although Kanemaru had been personally grooming Ichiro Ozawa as his successor , the circumstances of his retirement allowed Ozawa 's opponents to mount an effective campaign against his succession .
8 He turned , his blond hair gleaming a liquid gold beneath an ancient wall-lamp .
9 Ankles suffer a high rate of injury wherever poor mats are used .
10 Luce made a sweeping gesture with one arm and tried not to wince at the pain .
11 Mermaids have been sighted there and a ghost haunts a derelict bothy near the loch .
12 MacGregor 's bowerbird builds a complex bower of the ‘ maypole ’ type .
13 16.14 In chapter 7 we say that literature plays an important role in improving abilities in speaking and listening , and in writing , as well as in reading .
14 For Piaget , the activity of play represents a major advance in the ability of the child to control its own environment and engage in a variety of strategies .
15 ‘ The death of Marcos offers a momentous opportunity for the Aquino government to rally the people behind the ideals which swept it to power : freedom and democracy , bread and justice .
16 Under the former ‘ rate support grant ’ ( RSG ) arrangement , as a local authority increased its expenditure , government grant met a constant percentage of the additional expenditure .
17 Minton became a regular visitor to the Moynihans ' house in Old Church Street .
18 Amused speculation on whether the new vicar could really be casting lustful glances at the choir-mistress produced an effective antidote to the emotional tension a few minutes earlier .
19 Because the scale is logarithmic , each whole number increment represents a tenfold change in acidity ; thus , solutions of pH 6 , 5 and 4 contain 1 , 10 and 100 microequivalents of acidity ( Hsup+ ; ) per litre respectively ( abbreviated u eq/l ) as illustrated in figure 4.2 .
20 The University commissioned a new piece of music by Irish composer Elaine Agnew for the first of these concerts , which not only gave a young composer her first opportunity to write for a full orchestra but also provided an affectionate tribute to the former Chancellor 's memory .
21 It is often complained of by many that a meeting will take five minutes to agree the expenditure of ten million and two hours to debate a minor item worth only a few thousand .
22 The Department has plans to promote a wide range of activities for the community as a whole and to work closely with other bodies in the field to ensure the fullest use of resources .
23 We also saw in both tests the law change allowing a quick throw-in from touch .
24 The case produced a significant impact at the time , and has been restrictively construed .
25 Highly cohesive groups display a strong loyalty to their members and a strong adherence to group norms .
26 That woman upstairs , ’ Aunt Lou 's walking stick made an aggressive stab at the ceiling .
27 What can be done to give even a tenth of our people the opportunity to acquire a small stake in the land , and to replace the missing bottom rungs in the farming ladder ?
28 On the face of it , this offers a potential bidder the opportunity to acquire a complete portfolio of assets at a discount to their value by taking over the trust by buying up all its shares .
29 The key to a good use is that it brings people to the building who value it for its beauty and appreciate and enjoy its surroundings — not simply people who regard it as an opportunity to acquire a large amount of cheap floor space .
30 The arrangement of the oceans in relation to the continents plays a decisive role in creating and sustaining life on Earth .
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