Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] by [noun prp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The charges stem from P&G 's David-and-Goliath dispute over TV adverts placed by Neighbor to Neighbor , a grassroots pressure group campaigning for a boycott of coffee from El Salvador .
2 Franz Dornseiff — a German scholar who proved his courage and independence in difficult times — tried hard to persuade us that it was in fact authentic Greek poetry of the sixth century B.C. He also tried to show that a long description of the Jews attributed by Photius to Hecataeus of Miletus was really composed by this late sixth-century writer , and not ( as is generally admitted ) by the younger Hecataeus of Abdera who lived after Alexander .
3 An error on the monthly computer tape supplied by Penguin to Whitaker Bibliographic Services has led to over 2,000 Penguin titles being wrongly designated as out of print .
4 The first words spoken by God to Abraham were loud with blessing .
5 The first words spoken by God to creatures of his making in Genesis 1 were words of blessing .
6 Butler intriguingly proposes the mass items as a keyboard pendant to the B minor Missa sent by Bach to August III of Saxony in July 1733 .
7 The Guidelines issued by SCOTVEC to panel members explained that the main purpose of a validation event was not to scrutinise in detail the documentation but rather to use the information provided to enable an informed discussion about the proposal to take place .
8 They claimed substantial effects would follow from the removal of the higher duties on East Indian and Indian sugar and the termination of the 6 shillings per hundredweight bounty paid by Britain to West Indian producers for the export of their surplus to European markets .
9 The inhabitants of some areas ceded by Louis to Henry were similarly unenthusiastic about the treaty , and the people of some places in the three dioceses actually refused to celebrate St Louis 's feast-day after his canonization in 1297 .
10 That number , which is almost half of Hillingdon 's secondary schools , is both a testament to the support shown by Hillingdon to GM status and a rebuke to those local education authorities that remain hostile to the policy .
11 The bow was the pre-eminent weapon given by Jibrail to Adam in Paradise .
12 For the salvation offered by God to men and women … took on , from the Old Testament Prophets onwards , the privileged form of a nuptial mystery : for God the Chosen People is seen as his ardently loved spouse …
13 In particular , given the importance attached by Williamson to efficiency , there is no clear treatment of the tradeoffs that might be necessary between short-term and long-term efficiency .
14 That was not the only service rendered by Clement to Edward : he exonerated the king from his oath to the barons concerning the Confirmation of the Charters in 1297 and annulled the clauses in the Articles on the Charters in 1300 which prescribed twice-yearly excommunication of all violators of Magna Carta and of the Forest Charter .
15 The disparity between the revenue raised by the BBC in Scotland and the resources allocated by London to Scotland , reported today , highlights just how crucial is the debate over the BBC 's charter and how vital it is that it is made much more prominent in Scottish life .
16 This compares closely with feelings ascribed by Gretry to opera orchestras obliged to follow a baton :
17 It could even beat the £35,000 top price paid by Linfield to Shelbourne for striker Gary Haylock this summer .
18 This was a reference to the Iranian demand for the return of a $1,000 million loan made by Iran to France in 1974 [ see p. 26755 ] .
19 ( A fragment of the manuscript of A Portrait of the Artist given by Joyce to Harriet Weaver . )
20 In this instance , however , Irvine believed , " the case is quite inverted " , for " the King himself is charged with all the Faults of Government , and … punished for them " , and his ministers " not only suffered to escape Punishment , but … highly preferr 'd and rewarded " — a reference , in particular , to the favour shown by William to James 's former chief advisor , the second Earl of Sunderland .
21 The list of Cabinet members submitted by Vacaroiu to parliament on Nov. 13 was dominated by members of the Democratic National Salvation Front ( DNSF ) and also included several non-party technocrats .
22 Consequently , it was possible for them ( but not for Christians , because they rejected pantheism ) to speak of a world-soul that could measure time , and this was , in fact , the answer given by Plotinus to Aristotle 's question .
23 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
24 Later Scandinavian sources suggest a date of 1027 for the battle of Holy River , but this is rendered implausible by chapter 13 of the Letter sent by Cnut to England in that year , which mentions people who had tried to deprive him of his kingdom and his life , but whose power had been destroyed by God , and says that he is returning from Rome to Denmark to make peace with them .
25 This problem involves two issues : ( i ) whether there is a contract between Pickwick and Podder , resulting in a debt owed by Pickwick to Podder ; ( ii ) whether Podder has validly assigned the debt to Mrs Jingle .
26 In February 1990 , a firm called Garston Amhurst , a tied agent of Target , the life company sold by TSB to Equity & Law in January at a substantial loss , was shut down by the Securities and Investments Board after £2 million of investors ' money went missing .
27 Genesis 12–22 is interspersed with words of promise spoken by God to Abraham .
28 What is perhaps more common than a share-for-share exchange is for part of the consideration to consist of debentures issued by Newco to vendor shareholders .
29 The bulk of this short book consists of transcriptions of letters sent by Giardini to Leone while the latter was scouring Italy for suitable singers .
30 His price tag will almost certainly top the previous local record of £32,000 paid by Glenavon to Coleraine for Ray McCoy two years ago .
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