Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Scientists face a constant struggle to segregate themselves from the inducements offered by governments , pressure groups and publishers , all of which may provide alternative sources of funding and prestige to those of their colleagues .
2 But it had a particularly important clause in section 1 , which laid a duty upon the authorities to inform themselves of the numbers of disabled persons in their areas and to make arrangements to meet their needs .
3 Chauffeurs peel themselves off the walls , put down their fifth or sixth freebie rock'n'roll drink , and take us all in convoy to a club somewhere in Kansas City .
4 The SS will advertise our willingness to inform ourselves about the needs of industry .
5 After Gloria had gone , lying in her cot with nothing to do , nothing to look at , Dot told herself about the hens laying in the country .
6 It was then that a familiar figure detached itself from the shadows of the trees and moved out into the dim orange light of one of the streetlamps .
7 This parasite attaches itself to the mouths of fishes , sea-squirts , etc. 65 .
8 This chapter confines itself to the intangibles .
9 Meredith lost herself in the arrangements , and between them they managed to create a reasonable atmosphere again .
10 LMS , appraisal systems and governing body involvements compound the demands of heads to remove themselves from the classrooms , and to dictate instructions down the line .
11 As soon as the meal was over Didi excused herself on the grounds of a headache , leaving behind her an uneasy silence .
12 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
13 Elsewhere Salim separates himself from the doers and makers of the big world beyond him , of whom it is said : ‘ They 're making cars that will run on water . ’
14 By the late 1560's work was well in hand up at Keswick and in the formative years of the society the northern mining concentrated itself amongst the mountains and valleys around Keswick .
15 Reverend Wulwick dedicated himself to the children 's needs :
16 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
17 In its extreme form , therefore , empiricism limits itself to the results of direct observation and virtually denies the value of theory since this is generalization removed from first-hand observation .
18 Leigh Miners fancied themselves against the upstarts , but fell to a 35-12 home defeat .
19 And Maggie whisked herself down the stairs , out of the house and fifty yards along the street .
20 He said : ‘ It 's lonely being a long way ahead so you have to get youself into a cocoon to protect yourself from the thoughts that can trouble your mind . ’
21 Coun Brady said his action would be similar to that taken after MP Douglas Fairbairn 's outburst at the weekend and said the committee disassociated itself with the remarks .
22 He had seen the CNAA establish itself in the eyes of many — though employers in the more conventional industries had been slow to recognize the public sector and adapt their recruitment policies .
23 Mostyn and Cheadle humped themselves up the stairs , and crashed into the Silver Shuriken , guns discharging .
24 His enthusiasm communicated itself to the voters who responded eagerly to his promise of a " New Deal " , and he polled 22 million votes to Hoover 's 15 million , carrying 42 out of 48 states .
25 She gave Victoria a banana whenever she saw her and would tell Melanie to help herself from the baskets of nuts .
26 The stout plastic sacks are ripped open by sharp beaks , allowing the birds to help themselves to the contents .
27 he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station .
28 In the first decade of the century the Bridgewaters aligned themselves with the whigs .
29 While all this was going on , of course , Carol was flitting about the opposite side of the shop helping herself from the shelves and tossing things into the pushchair , which with the canopy zipped up was acting as an oversize shopping trolley .
30 It was so incongruous to hear the Maggot aligning himself with the forces of law that I was forced to ask the question .
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