Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [been] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Because income support was introduced at a time when there would otherwise have been an increase in supplementary benefits , and because transitional protection has been provided for some groups of claimants who have been transferred to income support , the Government claims that relatively few people suffered an actual cut in benefit in April 1988 .
2 The provision has been interpreted with some strictness against individuals .
3 It is more difficult to judge how far the commitment has been translated into action , though it is clear that progress has been made in some areas .
4 Whether light as well as heat is generated in these reactions has been questioned by some critics .
5 ( Because it obviates the need to collect the spot as well as the futures prices , S t has been replaced in some empirical work by F t ; see , for example , Dusak , 1973 ) .
6 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
7 The gravitational field has been explored in some detail by observations of the satellites and of the paths of fly-by spacecraft .
8 If all the etch-resist is completely stripped away in a short period of time , then perhaps the whole board has been exposed at some stage to too much UV light .
9 Supplementary dietary calcium has been shown in some studies to reduce colonic cell proliferation in man .
10 Er you will all be aware I think that the budget has been running for some months and er I suppose a lot of you either as spokes persons or as members of groups have actually been dealing with the budget issues in some detail .
11 This intake of children from ethnic minority groups has been associated by some with difficulties within the school , such as ‘ declining standards ’ and ‘ discipline problems ’ .
12 ( A different result has been reached in some US states , the blackmail statutes of which are couched differently , e.g. Iowa : State v Todd ( 1900 ) 82 NW 322 . )
13 The junk-bond industry has been indulging in some quasi-securitisation of its own .
14 He also put more emphasis on public worship , prayers , and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries , and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification ; for these reasons , Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as ‘ close to the ideological origins of Arminianism ’ .
15 Moreover , experience in New Zealand and Australia ( where the strict rule has been relaxed for some years ) has not shown that the non-availability of materials has raised these practical problems .
16 The huge space-based extravaganza has been gone for some time .
17 Within the major firms this stock has been rising in some cases at over 20% per annum , and has proved to be a very good investment in spite of not being on the market .
18 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
19 In recent weeks the force has been accused by some in the Protestant community of being ineffective in the fight against the IRA , and by some Catholics of being less vigorous in tackling loyalist violence .
20 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
21 This research has been expounded at some length here to demonstrate that despite some limitations it is informed by a relatively subtle and complex analysis .
22 The Oxfordshire Club has been described by some experts as unique and a course for the twenty first century … what makes it so special is a mixture of three styles … of classic English with trees … of links with sand dunes … and of American type holes landscaped by lakes … it 's been designed by Rees Jones
23 His next move was to Madrid , an upheaval that he and his girlfriend had been planning for some time , and there his photographic education continued apace , despite one or two minor problems .
24 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
25 Although the wording indicates that this had given rise to " considerable discussion " , implying that these methods had been questioned by some present , and the phrase " it was unwise to make any further interpretation " implies that those methods should not be spelled out too explicitly , the clear conclusion of the conference was that the policy being followed by 5 Corps should be given full backing .
26 Police and army behaviour and tactics had been improved to some extent , especially in appreciating the need for reform policies rather than simple oppression .
27 So this two bedroomed apartment in a hotel complex had been borrowed from some golfing friend of Mike 's , and here she was to stay until Mike could get her back home to London .
28 The squinch had been known for some time and was used in Persia , Turkestan , Armenia and Asia Minor .
29 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
30 Once of the aircraft had been fitted with some new kit and a whip aerial had been mounted on one of its bomb doors .
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