Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [been] [verb] by some " in BNC.

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1 Whether light as well as heat is generated in these reactions has been questioned by some critics .
2 The ability of a prime minister effectively to call a general election has been regarded by some writers as the most important weapon in ensuring parliamentary support .
3 This intake of children from ethnic minority groups has been associated by some with difficulties within the school , such as ‘ declining standards ’ and ‘ discipline problems ’ .
4 He also put more emphasis on public worship , prayers , and the sacraments than most of his contemporaries , and played down the role of preaching as a means of edification ; for these reasons , Hooker has been seen by some ecclesiastical historians such as Peter Lake as ‘ close to the ideological origins of Arminianism ’ .
5 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
6 In recent weeks the force has been accused by some in the Protestant community of being ineffective in the fight against the IRA , and by some Catholics of being less vigorous in tackling loyalist violence .
7 The Oxfordshire Club has been described by some experts as unique and a course for the twenty first century … what makes it so special is a mixture of three styles … of classic English with trees … of links with sand dunes … and of American type holes landscaped by lakes … it 's been designed by Rees Jones
8 Although the wording indicates that this had given rise to " considerable discussion " , implying that these methods had been questioned by some present , and the phrase " it was unwise to make any further interpretation " implies that those methods should not be spelled out too explicitly , the clear conclusion of the conference was that the policy being followed by 5 Corps should be given full backing .
9 My doubts have been fuelled by some interesting ( but fragmentary ) empirical work on the costs of transmitting information , how spillovers are transmitted between firms , and , finally , the phenomena of technology trading and other forms of managed technology flows .
10 Lovesey 's books have been called by some critics pastiches , though he is firm in stating that he intended to produce the equivalent of the police procedural in the days when there was not much procedure and not all that many police .
11 The proposal has been welcomed by some local councillors .
12 Marlborough 's art work has been accused by some critics of being too prescribed , a charge Robin Child refutes , insisting that ‘ there has to be a starting point , a language learnt ’ .
13 So ‘ bureaucratic ’ pluralism has been used by some in recognizing the more important role of Japanese civil servants ; this has been further qualified as ‘ bureaucratic-inclusionary ’ pluralism to suggest that the widest possible range of citizen consultation is used to assess the national interest .
14 The campaign has been denounced by some leftwing union activists as a diversion from the need for industrial action .
15 Ganev and the UDF had been angered by some documents leaked in late February in an attempt to smear him , and had demanded that the secret services by placed under the control of the Interior Ministry rather than the Presidency as at present .
16 Mergers of health authority-run services with trusts have been criticised by some opponents of the Government 's NHS reforms as obtaining trust status ‘ by the back door ’ .
17 The Second World War has been seen by some as a kind of watershed , with the post-war period being morally inferior to the ‘ full rich back street life and culture of pre-war England ’ .
18 The management has been restructured and refocused with responsibilities clearly defined , the annual cost base of the business has been reduced by some £280,000 , and marketing plans are currently being put in place for next year .
19 The reasoning of the courts in denying employee status to agency workers has been criticised by some academic lawyers as a failure to accept the reality of their objective situation.2 Equally important is the fact that in some cases the operations of " agencies " and " works contractors " are virtually identical .
20 The whole place had been updated by some 25 years , with BR rectangular ‘ modern image ’ signs in white with black , mainly lower case lettering bearing the name ‘ New Cross ’ .
21 His body had been damaged by some long distant war .
22 Nervous convulsions have been attributed by some clinicians to toxocariasis , but there is still some disagreement on whether the parasite can be implicated as a cause of these signs .
23 The source at the magazine confirmed later : ‘ Paris Match has been approached and pictures of that nature have been seen by some members of staff .
24 In the absence of reliable evidence about their attitudes and behaviour , the trade union officials have been viewed by some as a force for moderation and conservatism , by others as faithfully reflecting the views of their members , and by others as industrially and politically more militant than the members .
25 Thus the teaching of certain forms of knowledge has been regarded by some as intrinsically worthwhile ; whilst others have regarded certain principles of procedure , such as enquiry-discovery learning , in much the same way .
26 Education had been labelled by some leading party members as the ‘ fifth modernisation ’ ( not democracy as political activists insisted ) , yet the lessons remained traditional .
27 Questions have been raised by some people as to the theatrical validity and ethics of Weller 's methods — putting people on stage to recreate their own real-life experiences .
28 The 1988 changes to social security regulations have been considered by some to constitute the biggest overhaul in welfare benefits since their introduction by Beveridge in 1948 .
29 Although there have been proponents for a connection between microbial productivity and Precambrian iron deposition , the paucity of microfossils and low organic carbon content of BIFs has been seen by some to constitute strong evidence against biological involvement .
30 Quinn has been interpreted by some as suggesting that his form of incrementalism leads to a steady emergence of change .
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