Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] into [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The question of the level of resources that should be invested in Scotland 's underwater heritage has come into focus with the rediscovery of an historic shipwreck off Duart Point in Mull .
2 OIL giant Shell has plunged into controversy over a ferry crossing promotion .
3 A new pelican crossing has come into use at the junction of King 's Road and Cromwell Street , North Ormesby .
4 Mum has gone into town for late night shopping .
5 At the time of writing it appears that the broker in this case has gone into liquidation without making the required payment , and the couple must now turn to the Investors ' Compensation Scheme , which can pay compensation in cases where ( a ) the broker has gone into liquidation , and ( b ) the original investment was taken up about 28 August 1988 .
6 Nearly £1 billion of public money and over £4 billion of private money has gone into Docklands since 1981 .
7 Will he refute the Prime Minister 's suggestion that inward investment has come into Wales as a result of lower personal taxation ?
8 FILMING of the new Hollywood blockbuster Super Mario Brothers has descended into chaos after a series of bitter on-set rows .
9 Already research has begun into chemicals from the Morton Bay Chestnut , an Australian Rainforest tree , as an inhibitive drug against the Aids virus .
10 I 'm sticking to the rules and I refuse to panic by paying over the odds because that 's how this club has got into trouble in the past .
11 When David had gone into consultation with the old man earlier , she had been instructed not to disturb them .
12 They had been caught playing mother and father in the hay rick and Tristram had got into trouble for it and Uncle Harry had said evil things and called her mother a whore .
13 Many royalists had gone into exile in the colonies , especially Virginia , and the new government could not expect its orders to be obeyed on the other side of the Atlantic .
14 The polytechnics were having to carry into the 1970s a defence and assertion of their particular — though not necessarily homogeneous — values and procedures , and in doing so made necessary a constant reaffirmation of the vocational or service roles that had aroused fierce passions throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as new institutions and new sectors had come into existence in many countries .
15 Since last April 's farce , more than 60 innovative suggestions for alternative starting methods have flooded into Aintree from racing organisations and individuals all over the world .
16 ‘ A lot of hard work has gone into Darlington over the past two years .
17 Over this period the NRO has put into orbit over Russia and other countries a wide variety of satellites designed to bring back all kinds of visual and electronic intelligence .
18 This conflicts with earlier reports that Cu(I) gets incorporated into ZNO in the methanol synthesis catalyst ( but as Couves et al write , ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ ) .
19 In February 1982 , after C. and D. had fallen into arrears on the mortgage payments the building society obtained possession .
20 Secondly , much effort over the years has gone into education for road safety , though the concentration on advice to adult pedestrians and training for children has the unfortunate effect of apparently placing on the victim the principal responsibility for avoiding an accident .
21 A FULL inquiry has begun into remarks by a senior Strathclyde Region official that the high numbers of black and Asian children in special schools could be due to genetic or nutritional factors .
22 The travel agency business has slumped into loss in the face of disappearing package holidays and market leader Lunn Poly 's price-cutting tactics .
23 The Jewish Christians had just as distorted an idea of God and by consequence had run into problems in their relationships with these brand-new non-Jewish converts .
24 This was the classic showman speaking and on this occasion he was directing his remarks directly at those intellectuals whom his films had brought into cinemas for the first time .
25 After troops had moved into Algiers in the early afternoon Chadli declared a state of siege , giving the military emergency powers for the following four months , including the power to ban strikes in services and to dissolve municipal councils and political parties .
26 A couple of years earlier Wayne had come into conflict with director John Huston when they made The Barbarian and the Geisha in 1957 .
27 REM have run into controversy over the video for their single ‘ Losing My Religion ’ , with Irish television refusing to show the clip .
28 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
29 In his spare time since the election , Dr Kumar has plunged into books in a bid to re-activate his mind .
30 The ape that Alison makes of Absolon , the excluded potential lover ( 3389 ) , re-emerges as John the clerk after Alayn has jumped into bed with Malyne ( 4202 ) , while throughout the night the miller , with his skull " " piled as an ape " " ( 3935 ) is left in the same position .
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