Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [vb pp] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Ten years later , in 1935 , the year of McDougall 's retirement another attempt at explanation was made in that year 's annual report : In view of the fact that there appears to be a feeling in some quarters that the British Deaf and Dumb Association has outlived its usefulness the executive committee desires to make the position clear by the following statement : The British Deaf and Dumb Association is the oldest National Organisation for the Deaf in the country .
2 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
3 Gloucester 's possession of the northern Neville lands meant that if Edward had withdrawn his favour the duke 's power would have been much reduced , but he would still have had a following .
4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have placed their signatures the day and year first before written
8 What Lyle , Faldo twice and Woosnam can do in successive years has broken whatever invincibility the home players thought they had .
9 " Providence has denied his country the privilege of decking his youthful brow with the chaplets which belong to the sons of victory and of fame , but his deeds can never die .
10 And another wave of chill wrapped her ; yes , she had been left untouched , though she had cleaved to his seal like hot wax and his pigment had painted her stomach the colour of the moon .
11 By the time Carrie had completed her task the wind had increased in strength from the north and a fierce blizzard was setting in .
12 The disturbances on the borders of Brecon , whether officially encouraged or not , had grown to such proportions that the King had despatched his brother the Earl of Cornwall to the march in haste to try and suppress them , and was himself in the act of setting out from Windsor to join him there .
13 The Lowther mines round Workington had made their owner the ‘ richest commoner in England ’ ; and Appleby School was so good that George Washington 's brothers were sent there from Virginia to be educated , and he very nearly followed them himself .
14 If only Esther had shown her daughter the love she craved , Beth would have returned that love , and things would have been so very different .
15 When every member of the society had got his house the society was wound up .
16 Louis ' men had set their roadblock the far side of the bridge from Trent 's observation point — upended ammunition boxes topped by poles cut from the jungle edge and a square white signboard on which Trent could see red letters made indecipherable by the angle of the board to his line of vision .
17 The police had found his body the previous afternoon , just before lunch .
18 Tailler had sent his master the news about the mysterious de Montfort assassin .
19 ‘ Sir Teddy Taylor , ’ he shouted , only to be told that Taylor had done his stuff the day before .
20 After counsel have concluded their arguments the presiding judge may invite members of the audience to express their opinions upon the legal problem as amici curiae .
21 Perhaps the heat had given his mind the boost it needed to throw off the dream world that had gradually surrounded him since Paula 's fall into the maw of the Beast .
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