Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
2 Corbett left them at The Bull , its narrow windows draped with black crepe in mourning for the landlord whose coffin now stood outside the main door , perched rather crazily on its wooden trestles .
3 Calls for the creation of a workers ' soviet , including a summons by the Bolshevik Vyborg District Committee to form it at the Finland Station in the Vyborg district , became widespread .
4 The suggestions included limiting Congress 's powers only to proposing amendments to the Constitution , and allowing Yeltsin to retain the right granted him at the October-November 1991 extraordinary Congress to appoint ministers without approval from the legislature .
5 Newley bought it at the Warton sale .
6 No matter what undercurrents had passed between them last night , it had been true enough that it was la Principessa who 'd sent her grandson to collect her at the Sala dell'Arte .
7 But another sister followed me at the Dowsons when I left to get married .
8 Reporters waited outside her apartment day and night , while photographers badgered her at the Young England kindergarten where she worked .
9 Tweed caught a cab , told the driver to drop him at the Piccadilly entrance to the Burlington Arcade .
10 company doing it at the Haymarket !
11 Did CSM discuss it at the November meeting ?
12 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
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