Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [was/were] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only occasion that the present writer met him was as a member of a deputation to appeal for troop protection for Protestant homes that were being stoned and shot into by the Provisional IRA .
2 But police have told Adrian that even though the driver admitted she was in the wrong , she 's unlikely to be prosecuted .
3 But , under the system now envisaged by Mr MacGregor 's officials , higher education students would get a certificate proving they were on a recognised course and apply by post to the Glasgow-based Student Loans Company for a loan .
4 Checks revealed they were from the infected zone .
5 Checks revealed they were from the infected zone .
6 He wanted his fans to know he was on the mend .
7 The official report from the hospital stated that when the President arrived he was in a state of complete coma , with no recordable blood pressure or pulse , ‘ the eyes wide open , with no response to light ’ , and no reflexes anywhere .
8 When the trains came in or out , sending the pigeons wheeling from the vaulted roof and the steam rolling against the windows , Meredith felt he was on the poop of some ancient brig sailing a ghostly sea .
9 Theoretically , every person was subject to the whim of the sultan , which in practice meant they were at the mercy of his capricious subordinates .
10 15% have plans underway , 10% said they were at the pilot stage and 11% are ‘ seriously considering ’ it — the other 56% have no open systems plans whatsoever .
11 She opened her mouth to say they were with the police , but abruptly changed her mind .
12 Mum noticed I was in a rather strange mood .
13 Brenda says she was in a coma by the time they got her into the hospital .
14 According to popular myth , Law discovered he was on the list to leave Old Trafford from a TV report when he was visiting his sick mother in Aberdeen .
15 Tallis thought it was about the middle of the day .
16 A century and a half ago , the canal owners of England thought they were in the business of owning canals .
17 ‘ The man who drilled for the test said it was among the hardest block he 'd ever seen .
18 Williams team management said they were on the protestors ' side .
19 And she finally got in at quarter to and she 's , oh Kim said she was in a dreadful state .
20 In his summing-up , the judge said it was for the jury to decide if Christopher How had been dishonest .
21 But Jinny could tell from his voice that he knew the answer already , and when Doyle replied it was with a nod .
22 By then , and with a couple of non-championship wins under his belt , Emerson and the whole Lotus team knew they were onto a winner in I972 .
23 At Panmure Gordon , Charles Donald said it was within the letter of US regulations and was thus always likely to be approved .
24 The linesman said it was for a push and handball .
25 Spokesman Mr. Robinson said they were at the meeting to voice their objections to an application by Greenbanks Nursing Home to enlarge its premises .
26 Martin said it was in the National Car Park across the road , about twenty yards from the front door of the pub and Dod said ‘ Oh , yeah ’ and reluctantly gave up his place in the darts game , slipping at least three five-pound notes and some coins into his pocket and not bothering to thank the guys he 'd played .
27 The peace campaigners were on trial for cutting a fence and painting a B52 bomber at RAF Fairford.Protesters supporting them were outside the court in Cirencester .
28 Yet Atkinson revealed he was on the verge of quitting during a never-ending battle against injury last season .
29 Dillon gave no sign of being frightened , but Tweed sensed he was like a coiled spring .
30 And having saved John Smith 's skin at the Labour party Conference , with his rumbustious performance in the one member , one vote debate , Mr Prescot knew he was in a position to call in his debts .
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