Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] its [det] " in BNC.

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1 They spent an additional £45,000 on renovating it — although the beacon needs more work to restore it to its former glory .
2 Two speechless simian Servitors attended him , one to ingest his waste and cleanse him , the other to nourish him with its own enriched blood and shift his cart from window to window — from which he gazed out , praying for an exploration vessel of his Chapter to pass this way .
3 While electoral democracy is spreading across Europe ( and the world ) , why does Britain restrict it for its own citizens ?
4 It should be collected primarily because government needs it for its own businesses . ’
5 Or , third , Britain could conclude that modern weapons are simply too costly for any single country of its size to make them on its own — and could stick to international joint ventures in future .
6 In which case , we must look at the books evidence on both matters , as well as on such matters as the prisoners previous links with the IRA — which in most cases amounted to none — and wether the IRA lauds them as its own .
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