Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Alison met him in the same bar .
2 WITH the forthcoming visit by the South Africans looming large , the RFU have taken the opportunity given them by the All Black and Wallaby tours to South Africa to get in some early homework on the Boks .
3 First of all Gyggle tried me on the same sort of rudimentary exercises that I remembered performing as a child .
4 Sorrel watched him for a few seconds , then snatched it out of his hands and stuck it in her mouth .
5 That many of his clients saw him in the former category is suggested by the fact that they frequently passed to him details of their restless and unsuitable executives in the hope that he would redeploy them .
6 I used to wear jeans and jackets and shirts but my parents burned them on the same day my dad beat me up , and after that I had to wear saris .
7 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
8 It would be a disservice to Denis Law to mention him in the same breath as some of Scotland 's more notorious hell-raisers .
9 The horse was totally confused by now and it eased forward in the shafts not knowing what to do next , until Broomhead reminded it with a few well-chosen obscenities .
10 Within months , some clients had in excess of 25 dealers contacting them from the same firm ; many were also being contacted from other licensed dealers .
11 Elaine watched her for a few minutes before paddling further into the shore , lying on the soft , creamy sand , letting the shallow water caress her feet and legs .
12 MIPS claims all RISC chips offer roughly the same performance and that its R4400 96 SPECint89 score puts it in the same league as HP , distinguished by its significantly lower price and wide availability .
13 The war boar is a dangerous beast whose charge puts him in the same category as a fully armoured , lance-armed knight .
14 Tiny children , barefoot and dirty , tried to generate enough courage to touch us for a few fils ’ .
15 Most mortgage lenders see you in the same light as everyone else and make no concessions to the lifestyle that lies ahead of you .
16 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
17 All things considered , however , the film does n't exactly fly so much as hope from one gag to the next , relying on the awe of Brando and affection for the Kellog character to carry it over the many black spots .
18 However , Will Purser helped me with a few defensive sentences such as , ‘ Please talk slowly , I have only just begun to learn Burmese . ’
19 We have the kitchen middens to inform us about the former and the dolmens and passage graves — both resting places and scenes of ancestor worship — to inform us of the latter .
20 The women I spoke to who had been through the whole procedure told me of the many exhausting visits they had had to make to the British Embassies and High Commissions , of the atmosphere of contempt at these places , of the pettiness of the Entry Clearance Officers ( ECOs ) and interpreters , and the rude and unreasonable questions they had had to answer .
21 Nevertheless , he was retained and the secretary was instructed to write to the parish officers informing them of the same ; they were told to pay the subscription within a few days otherwise Spies would be discharged from the infirmary .
22 BARRY WILSON turned in a star performance as Stantondale increased their lead at the top of the second division last week - and afterwards his managers furnished him with the same compliment : ‘ He 's class . ’
23 Its position beside Musgrave Street police station puts it in the same difficult position as many old buildings beside security installations .
24 R. J. left her with a few of his abstruse sayings , which she believed meant he was telling her not to worry too much ; it was difficult to tell .
25 And besides , there were two things bothering him at the same time and he had assumed that the second problem nagging at him had been Cipolla .
26 When the community care Support Force was inaugurated , many SSDs regarded it with the same amount of suspicion and distrust as a bird would a snake .
27 Uncle Joe subjected me to the same torture and humiliation every time we were alone together — although , thankfully , he never actually went as far as raping me .
28 the sneeze of movement returns it to the same position ,
29 See if you can get our people to introduce you to a few American officers ; broaden your mind .
30 For the present it would be advisable not to report such allegations without giving the person defamed an opportunity to refute them in the same report .
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