Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The boiler produces hot water for the radiators as well as instant hot water whenever required , without the need for a bulky tank or cylinder .
2 However , many authorities lack separate provision for the younger disabled , who have to join old people in residential homes .
3 Delivering the Drew lecture on ‘ Government and the Arts ’ at the Central London Polytechnic , Mr Fisher pointed out that when Mr Luce announced three-year funding for the arts in November 1987 , he had said the figure could not be reviewed ‘ unless the situation changes substantially in ways that can not be foreseen today ’ .
4 We must of course make full allowance for the disappearance of the most important historical sources of the third century B.C. Hieronymus of Cardia is likely to have given a precise account of the Celtic events of 280–275 B.C. Later Phylarchus continued the story .
5 The firm which had fire-proofed the building got high praise for the containment of the blaze .
6 Or he might stick with the status quo , in which parliament has principal responsibility for the economy , and replace Mr Kuchma with a more pliant prime minister .
7 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
8 This leads to a final consideration , namely whether politicians behave in the way Niskanen and others assume they do , either in their sensitivity to the costs and benefits of public expenditure or in their inability to obtain adequate information for the monitoring job they are required to do .
9 Requests all states to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken in pursuance of paragraph 2 of this resolution ;
10 The three-day test case has far-reaching significance for the medical staff involved .
11 The case has direct relevance for the role of records managers and archivists because it focused on the role and responsibility of the U.S. Archivist in implementing organisational policy regarding electronic messages .
12 Edward sought papal approval for the coup he was planning and as his intermediary in the negotiations he relied on Sir William Montague , a knight of the household whose family had served Edward I and Edward II in the Scottish and Welsh wars .
13 The interest rate you will pay will depend on the bank manager — he may feel that the aircraft represents reasonable security for the loan , or else you may have some other security to offer , for with security you will pay a lower rate of interest .
14 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
15 President Franois Mitterrand voiced strong support for the idea after his meeting with President Gorbachev in Kiev on Wednesday .
16 ‘ The British side has unshirkable responsiblity for the present problem of confidence in Hong Kong , ’ said Ambassador Ke in an interview with the official New China News Agency .
17 Alternatively , he could argue that a defendant has sufficient awareness for the purposes of section 6(4) if he knows of the circumstances by which it is said that his conduct is disorderly .
18 Notwithstanding that a particular central government department has total responsibility for the discharge of particular functions — from formulation of general overall policy to implementation in the form of decisions in particular cases ‘ on the ground ’ — it may nevertheless be desirable to distribute actual administration at different levels on a geographical basis .
19 The foregoing strongly suggests that dividend policy and practice contains important information for the shareholder .
20 In November the government had been forced to revalue its gold reserves to provide additional cover for the rupee .
21 The Kuwaiti Government , in an bid to contain growing agitation for the revival of a democratic parliament has warned Kuwaitis against holding unauthorised meetings .
22 That figure contains substantial provision for the needs of Lanarkshire .
23 the 100mm diameter UPVC pipe is adequately tied-in to the roadworks to provide positive drainage for the wall ,
24 In the vegetable garden rows of watery English lettuces had been sown in succession to provide sufficient salad for the Royal Family and their guests throughout their summer holiday .
25 This is an area of some controversy at the moment in psychology , where one of the holy grails is the attempt to provide empirical evidence for the intuitively reasonable idea that there can be a dissociation of behaviour from consciousness .
26 With two other Anglican churches within a three-mile-radius , both with vigorous young clergy and enough parochial organizations to provide serious competition for the social services department , St Matthew 's , with its small and ageing population , was an uncomfortable reminder of the declining authority of the established church in the inner cities .
27 However , on his return to Hong Kong on April 8 he indicated to reporters that he had been unsuccessful in his attempt to win Chinese approval for the project .
28 A five-party coalition obtained royal approval for the appointment , promoted by Gen Sunthorn Kongsompong , head of the military junta which took power in a coup last February .
29 The visit in April by French President Mitterrand confirmed French support for the new government .
30 ‘ It is a case of killing two birds with one stone , with the added advantage of the contractor providing unified management for the entire chain of planning , acquisition and processing , ’ he said .
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