Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Routine monitoring represents a compromise between surveillance focused on the potentially troublesome and the need to be prepared for rule-breaking from an unexpected quarter .
2 While this story represents a departure from tradition , it already exists , in fact , to a greater or lesser extent in every well-run American and Japanese corporation .
3 The answer to that may be that lowering cholesterol influences the level of serotonin , a neurotransmitter which affects mood .
4 Few of the specifics of the James proposals were implemented in the forms envisaged , but government acceptance of the principle of a degree structure to replace the certificate became the focus of debate and planning in the colleges and departments of education .
5 His classification into personal and projected play represents a hierarchy of abstraction ; dramatic activities using oneself as the medium of expression standing at a lower level on the table of abstraction than dramatic activities using media other than oneself .
6 in what ideological terms do these classes or groups perceive the problem of soil erosion — causes , blame , solutions ?
7 Management therefore need information that helps them determine the cost and effectiveness of alternative programmes given a variety of resource constraints ( typically the imposition of cash limits and target staffing levels ) .
8 The Town and Country Planning Association has been in the forefront of plans to promote a change in government policy on the North-South Divide .
9 The provision making time of the essence will enable the buyer to cancel the contract for breach , without notice , if the seller does not deliver exactly in accordance with the contract .
10 The system contract in Chapter 4 deals with this question at some length , but it is not unusual in standard terms and conditions to find a simple clause which permits the buyer to cancel the order in return for payment of a cancellation fee .
11 The design of the Panopticon represents Bentham 's contribution to contemporary attempts to assure the quality of time used .
12 It is estimated that some 30 per cent of the overhead and marketing budget represents the cost of production and distribution of brochures .
13 Gerald made no pretence of maturity now .
14 Dynamic input of the text involves the user generating the text at run-time using either an electronic bitpad or electronic paper .
15 After the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 Parliament prescribed an oath of allegiance which denied that the Pope had any authority to release Roman Catholics from their allegiance to the King .
16 At a time when graduates are finding that academic success is not an automatic open sesame to the job market — a recent advertisement for a relatively junior clerical/admin post at the University produced a crop of graduate applications , including at least one First Class Honours graduate — it is heartwarming to read of a Nottingham man whose business and his hobby stem directly from his campus experience .
17 This change erodes the distinction between university and what were previously known as ‘ public sector ’ institutions , and may blur what Burgess ( 1977 , pp. 2332 ) has argued is a contrast between the ‘ autonomous ’ ( university ) and ‘ service ’ ( polytechnic/ college ) traditions .
18 The technique involves a network of irrigation pipes running from the store to a point on the headland .
19 In procedural terms , therefore , the life sentence involves a transfer of function : normally it is the judge who determines the sentence ( or at least its upper limit , since earlier release on parole may be possible ) , whereas a life sentence entrusts that function to the executive , who must first ascertain the opinions of the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge .
20 Implicit is the idea that A has some form of control over B , or at least a strong bargaining position that enables A to score a ‘ victory ’ over B. Companies sometimes have power of this kind over suppliers , as where the company is one of only a limited number of buyers of a supplier 's goods or services , and even to an extent over governments , manifested , for example , in negotiations over subsidies or in successful attempts to dilute the content of regulation .
21 In any one day 's activity a selector makes a large number of separate decisions about particular titles , each decision reflecting a range of background circumstances , some of them quite complex .
22 Mr Paddy Ashdown appeared on two television programmes to emphasise the importance of stability in government .
23 On Nov. 4 , however , FKgP parliamentary deputies passed a vote of confidence in the expelled ministers and state secretaries and suspended the faction membership of Jozsef Torgyan , FKgP chair and leader of the parliamentary group .
24 However , it seems that although the exemption can only be waived on a building-by-building basis , if the exemption is waived for a building as a whole , but if a lease of part of the building prohibits the addition of VAT , the landlord will have to account to Customs & Excise for VAT out of the net rent .
25 When the 1971 Census asked a question about employment status , it found that about 40 per cent more people regarded themselves as unemployed than the official statistics showed .
26 He explained that the Government 's original pledge last year of £55 million had been increased to £75 million , with a further £40 million funding to spearhead the regeneration of east Manchester .
27 Two other defenders made a grab for Okoye but missed .
28 discussions revealed an interest in community arts work and , in particular , in those groups who have no access to the arts .
29 and s t denotes the derivative with respect to t c Where the steady-state path is locally stable , the coefficient of is negative , and k rises ( falls ) if s t is positive ( negative ) — as indicated by Fig. 8–2 .
30 In addition , the convention contains an express provision allowing a state of destination to refuse to execute a letter rogatory that is manifestly contrary to public policy ( ordre public ) 224 .
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