Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] us [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Blundell 's School magazine later observed : ‘ Parisian cricket is not of the Comic Opera kind one would expect … we dreamt of French demon bowlers with pro-Boer tendencies hurling at us on bumpy wickets . ’
2 The degree and nature of any interaction between the proposal and existing research programmes would depend totally on the needs of each individual submission made to us by visiting researchers , and can not be foreseen at this stage .
3 I have given back to the Reich the provinces stolen from us in 1919 .
4 Puffins buzzed below us with short wings whirring , zooming out to sea and back , to disappear into holes in the crumbling top layer of boulder clay .
5 His wife Ellen wrote to us with this smashing picture and told us that because Russell works so much she only ever sees him in his overall or a track suit .
6 We can judge this by the massively negative emotions aroused within us by little pin-pricks that we should be easily able to take .
7 They 're just duplicates deposited with us by this American chappie — ’
8 Catesby stared at us from red-rimmed eyes .
9 Our younger son Barney and his wife lived with us for several years , and their son was born while they lived with us .
10 Now that we are beginning to understand the basic mechanisms of calcium release and entry , the next challenge is to describe the complex spatiotemporal patterns of calcium signalling revealed to us by single-cell imaging techniques .
11 In view of the dicey and rapidly deteriorating state of our physical surroundings , largely attributable to our ham-fisted handling of the powers bestowed on us by scientific and technological ‘ progress ’ , it might have been thought that there was a place in society for young persons who had taken the time and the trouble needed to give themselves some understanding of the problems we have set ourselves , so that they could help to reduce the damage done , and the worse damage yet to come .
12 These earth memories come to us in various ways .
13 The place gave Johnson another whiff of anthropology : here he stood as if in Africa or Arabia , greeting wild natives in their habitat : these Macraes might have been Xhosa tribesmen , or Tuaregs : ‘ The villagers gathered about us in considerable numbers , I believe without any evil intention , but with a very savage wildness of aspect and manner . ’
14 I would never have dreamed of doing what Brian demonstrated to us with broken or damaged feathers .
15 Those people of prehistory differed from us in one important respect : they did not possess the huge databank of past discoveries which we do .
16 ‘ But what used to make me a bit uptight was people looking at us like some wild , eccentric set-up .
17 After this time the rights of way team have every intention of working more closely with parishes and farmers throughout the county Am I right in saying that people talk to us about this ?
18 God speaks to us in many ways .
19 And what has his experience of God to say to us in 1993 ?
20 They , they 're sort of like a probation officer , social worker , that sort of thing , erm most people come to us with all sorts of problems not just not particularly housing problems .
21 We should be able to see the files held on us by public authorities — to check that they are accurate and fair .
22 ‘ We have 1,500 people working for us in this Opera House , and everybody is talking about the ghost .
23 Three winners will be chosen at random from all the correct answers received by us on 14 December 1992 .
24 He is a good man to have with us on this journey … ’
25 Several of the cases submitted to us by social workers who participated in the feasibility study illustrated this type of family support work .
26 The only thing given to us at all in that line was every policeman on night duty was given a pint of coffee .
27 I have every confidence , therefore , that Dr. Woods and I will be able to co-operate in resolving the issues referred to us by that committee .
28 We appeal to our sisters all over the world to stand by us during these very difficult moments in order to help us put an end to oppressive Israeli measures imposed on us and our children which are affecting all human , social , economic , political , intellectual and cultural aspects of our lives .
29 We can use the skills and potential revealed to us by each archetype , but should recognize that they emanate from a source beyond our individual powers .
30 First of all , let us remind ourselves of the traditional picture of children drawn for us by some great philosophers of the past .
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