Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] her [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Did she imagine it or did a head of bronze curls pop round the door , and were a pair of peacock-blue eyes gazing at her with implacable hatred ?
2 His eyes clung to her like thirsty leeches , watching for any movement , the revolver trained on her back .
3 Even now he had learnt that Pete Foster , the man being investigated for murder and fraud in the Docks , a hard man , was terrified of his old mother and had kept his successful career in crime hidden from her for sixteen years .
4 The near-black eyes moved over her with open distaste .
5 She walked back into the house , and Piers glanced at her with one raised eyebrow .
6 Charity was very aware of two things : that Matthew made no attempt to define his relationship with her , and that Sandra Bamfield 's golden , cat-like eyes narrowed on her with vague suspicion .
7 The air was charged with tension coming at her from all directions .
8 Visiting players , Raimundo , the grooms and Alejandro looked at her with ill-concealed lust , but her dead-pan hauteur and Señor Gracias ' large , looming presence kept them at bay .
9 The quietly spoken words fell on her like stinging blows .
10 He sat back on his heels , his eyes raking over her with hostile curiosity .
11 Morley looked at her with genuine concern .
12 Large dark eyes looked at her without any expression and all he said was : ‘ Sir ? ’ in a voice both deep and guarded .
13 Mr Edgar looked at her in angry surprise .
14 Edward looked at her with grey eyes like Tilda 's , but without much expectation from life .
15 The blue eyes pierced through her with that cold , callous look that once was capable of breaking her heart .
16 His eyes ran up her with casual assessment , and then stopped on her face , lazily scanning it .
17 After about half an hour a girl came out of the gate , her tartan shawl held round her with rough , reddened hands .
18 She could n't take any more of Naylor 's aggression , of Naylor looking at her with such dislike , of Naylor thinking she was anybody 's .
19 The most vivid memory I have of that Christmas Day is of Shanti , now almost two years old , walking round and round the long dining-room table , pulling a little toy engine given to her by one of the boys , round and round , smiling and smiling .
20 How sickening of Miss Potts to pounce on her like that .
21 Meanwhile Sue has recently accepted a series of temporary secretarial posts offered to her by other companies .
22 ‘ What you told me last night , Rachel , only convinced me that this marriage could work , ’ he said softly , and walked towards her with a look of intent in his blue eyes that sent panic rushing through her in hot waves .
23 He rose above her and looked at her , his gaze moving over her with slow , lingering care , tasting her with his eyes as his hands and mouth had tasted her parted lips , her upthrust breasts , her parted thighs .
24 Hope broke over her in tumultuous waves .
25 Ruth looked at her after all .
26 Katherine looked round her in some confusion .
27 Ryker looked at her with sheer hatred .
28 For a moment Theda looked at her with hurt in her eyes , a little puzzled .
29 One career wife spoke about her exasperation when her husband listened to her with half an ear as he watched television .
30 She might even , he suggested , as they went to the stairs , benefit from a quiet winter with her sister to help and think what joy lay ahead with Oreste brought to her at last .
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