Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 ( f ) Indemnity Whilst it might readily be implied that where one partner 's breach of some provision in the partnership agreement leads to liability attaching to his co-partners the latter should have the right to an indemnity from their colleague , the better practice is to make that right express ( Clause 16.02 ) in the partnership agreement .
2 His words brought to her eyes the same look that is in an eagle 's eyes as she flies again above moorland of the Western Isles and watches , far below , her own shadow flighting across the wild moorland wastes of Callanish .
3 But there was an arresting fascination in his voice , like the movement of wind and light on a meadow , and as its rhythm entered into his hearers the whole burrow became silent .
4 Will my right hon. Friend and his Department therefore spend a great deal of time in the next six months talking to our friends the Portuguese through the Portuguese presidency , so that they may adopt a sensible policy which we can then follow ?
5 In a vein of intimacy the Cubists introduced into their compositions the names of popular songs , the programmes of theatres they had visited , the packets of cigarettes they had smoked , or the headings of newspapers they read — elements which , as Apollinaire put it , were ‘ already drenched in humanity ’ .
6 The old kingdom of Valencia contained within its borders the contrasts typical of Spain .
7 She urged parents to instil in their children the three ‘ Rs ’ — responsibility , respect and right from wrong .
8 Two will go down , and unless fortunes change for our clubs the South will make up half of the Konica league next season , re-inforcing the ‘ poor cousins ’ reputation of North and Mid Wales .
9 There may also be a basis of fact , in a planned act of piety , behind the famous story of how Cnut attempted to turn back the waves and then used his failure to demonstrate to his followers the weakness of his power compared with that of the king of heaven .
10 The proposal was that His Majesty would invite certain individuals as individuals to take upon their shoulders the burden of carrying on the Government and Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Samuel ( sic ) had stated that they were prepared to act accordingly … the Administration would not exist for a period longer than was necessary to dispose of the emergency , and when that purpose was achieved the political parties would resume their respective positions .
11 Of the volume Henry Jones published in 1749 nearly half the poems have in their titles the name of some eminent person , while the volume as a whole is dedicated to Chesterfield and five individual pieces to him or his wife .
12 The extent to which Nizan depicts in his novels the forces working towards socialism , rom the inside is consequently an intriguing problem which can only be resolved by detailed analysis of the texts within the context of their specific moments of production and reproduction .
13 Remember in numerical questions to write in your scripts the steps that you go through to arrive at a solution .
14 Harry ran across their tracks the other day ; he killed one of them but he 's a bit like that .
15 Furthermore , when Joseph explained to his brothers the purposes of God that had been running through the events they had been caught up in , he used terms recalling the promises of Genesis 12 : ‘ … you meant evil against me ; but God meant it for good , to bring it about that many people should be kept alive , as they are today ’ ( 50.20 ; see , too , 45.4–11 ) .
16 The Neue Sachlichkeit ( ‘ New Objectivity ’ ) movement in Switzerland and Germany included among its dogmas the belief that ‘ the world is beautiful . ’
17 Thus Hindu society bestows on its women the paradoxical nature of having power which is both beneficial and dangerous .
18 Lugard , in his Political Memoranda , employed the words of Henry Lawrence to impress upon his officers the importance of constant travel among the people , and like him selected his administrators from among the military , believing that their training had taught them , as no other could , the proper exercise of responsibility .
19 For works published under their auspices the card is filed alphabetically under the name of the society or institution .
20 Mr. Patrick Thompson presented a Bill to empower local authorities to prohibit in their areas the use by children of amusement machines :
21 Had the interviewers encouraged in our minds the right attitude towards the politicians — total scepticism — we might have been less interested in watching their interminable television programmes .
22 The Bank has among its responsibilities the management of the monetary system and the duty to ensure that sound banking principles are observed .
23 While the credit- driven Anglo economies draw in their horns the savings and investment driven economies of Japan and West Germany are reaping their rewards .
24 Caesar lists among his allies the Trinovantes of the Colne peninsula and the Iceni of Norfolk , while the anti-Roman forces were the tribes of Kent and a tribe on the north bank of the Thames , the name of which is lost but whose chief , Cassivellaunus , was given command of the British forces against Rome .
25 At the same time , we will be paying special attention to the acquisition of management skills , providing specific training courses to develop in our trainees the confidence and resourcefulness needed to take on the responsibilities of running a busy section .
26 In 1913 , in his first attempt to define the movement , he wrote : ‘ Sincere artists today feel the need to canalize and tame their inspiration in order to extract from their faculties the maximum returns , and to strike a balance between sensitivity and reason …
27 Painstakingly Verity Lambert explained to her superiors the impracticality of a thirteen week , quarter-year season ; the four part cavemen story was in the can , the seven part Dalek serial was under way , and they were committed to running ‘ Marco Polo ’ , also seven episodes in length , giving a grand total of eighteen weeks in all .
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