Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Gatting , back after serving three years of a five-year ban for his part in the rebel tour of South Africa , has unselfishly not forgotten how Gower fought for him to be his understudy in the sub-continent .
2 Its potential advantage to British industry seemed to me to be colossal .
3 GLIDEWELL L.J. , having reviewed the authorities , concluding with Pao On v. Lau Yiu , continued : It is true that Pao On v. Lau Yiu is a case of a tripartite relationship , that is , a promise by A to perform a pre-existing contractual obligation owed to B , in retum for a promise of payment by C. But Lord Scarman 's words seem to me to be of general application , equally applicable to a promise made by one of the original two parties to a contract .
4 Class Readers seem to me to be an excellent book …
5 Even-more significant for their future growth , Merton has expanded the field of candidates open to them by being able to search globally , as a member of Transearch , a group of internationally affiliated consultancies in fifteen major business centres .
6 This kind of recognition seems to me to be as important in its own way as the lavish rewards which American companies give on complicated criteria .
7 Such exclusions need not be contained in the original contract document , but you must agree to them in writing before the term expires for them to be legally effective .
8 Such exclusions need not be contained in the original contract document , but you must agree to them in writing before the term expires for them to be legally effective .
9 Nevertheless , within the variations and local conditions , if we are thinking in terms of a specifically televisual addition to the forms which the novelistic has taken since the Greek romance , the organization of narrative around the expectation of interruption seems to me to be central .
10 ‘ On the contrary , your condition appears to me to be markedly different . ’
11 This dictum was followed by the opinion of the Lord Advocate ( Mr. Graham Murray ) and the Dean of Faculty ( Mr. Asher ) on November 2 , 1893 , that " the fitness of the applicant seems to us to be the only question upon which , on an application for a transfer , the magistrates may exercise their discretion " ; and by the opinion of the town clerk of Glasgow ( December 18 , 1894 ) , that , if satisfied that the applicant is a suitable person , " all usual and more general considerations must be reserved till the annual licensing period . "
12 ( 2 ) In the epistemic sense of ‘ appears ’ it makes no sense to say that the sea appears to be blue to someone but he does not know it , or that line AB appears to him to be shorter than line BC but he does not know it , or that the young lady/old woman figure appears to him to be a drawing of a young lady but he does not know it .
13 Its size and mass are similar to the Earth , but too few data exist for it to be known whether its interior composition and structure are as similar .
14 Indeed , the typical Greek tended to be backward-looking , since the future appeared to him to be the domain of total uncertainty , his only guide to it being delusive expectation .
15 The sea-gravel seemed to her to be composed of ‘ shattered rubies tinted with mauve ’ .
16 Forcing values upon another without full discussion of what are to count as rights and duties appear to me to be anti-educational .
17 The question seemed to her to be doubly hostile , implying both that the Prince was too short and that she was too tall .
18 Her feet seem to me to be set more firmly upon the earth than theirs … .
19 The posters will be sent to companies calling on them to be more careful .
20 It is within the competence of the examiners not to mark examination work judged by them to be illegible .
21 A writ has been issued by the actress and her parents asking for him to be banned ‘ from entering or trespassing on the property or on the actual road ’ .
22 This whole attitude to work seems to me to be missing something of deep significance .
23 This work seems to us to be truly depraving and corrupting unlike some sex films which offend solely on grounds of impropriety .
24 Both Carole and Susan agree that the above proposal appears to them to be the most workable .
25 ‘ I would add that the availability of jury trial in the Court of Session appears to me to be a further factor favouring remit . ’
26 The very fact that they are so unknown and cost so high in human lives seems to me to be a point against the arguments of Enzensberger and Halliday .
27 Although they could only be released following the conclusion of their court cases , the law allowed for them to be provisionally released .
28 ‘ This is an ideal situation for us , ’ says Gaynor , ‘ having both been working with other companies mainly as dancers having a home setting for us to be creative in our own right . ’
29 Causes , like the other conditions which enter into causal circumstances , are at bottom conceived by us to be certain spatio-temporal items , individual properties .
30 Decentralization fragments the scope of radical change and raises the thresholds required for it to be achieved , a maxim which constitutional and administrative designers take seriously in many liberal democracies .
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