Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] day " in BNC.

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1 The US decision was the decisive factor in persuading the military-backed interim government and local business groups to agree on the same day to renewed negotiations with the Organization of American States ( OAS ) .
2 Do you really believe that the first contact after weeks of silence just happened by sheer coincidence to fall on the same day as your arrival here ?
3 The flow of oil was for the most part halted after a few days when US aircraft bombed the pumping manifold stations .
4 ‘ I have an important function to attend in a few days ’ time .
5 He said in a Radio France Internationale interview broadcast on the same day that he had won 62.7 per cent of votes in the March 1989 presidential elections and that his opponents were a minority .
6 Mrs Rumney rang within a few days .
7 Uterine contractions continue for a few days after birth ( they are often particularly evident when the child begins to suck at the nipple ) .
8 Predictions from these tables will let you down once or twice a year when a session of light wind invades for a few days .
9 In a letter confirming their arrangement which Scott sent on the same day , his main concern was to ensure the approval of Stanley and the India Council .
10 Jonquil came in every few days .
11 A UK Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded on the same day by saying that it was for Iran to make the first gesture and that the UK would " not accept Iranian intervention in [ its ] internal affairs " .
12 The Security Council voted on the same day to adopt Resolution 700 issuing guidelines to facilitate implementation of the international arms embargo against Iraq [ see p. 38165 ] .
13 The Russian Federation Security Council meeting on the same day expressed concern over arms deliveries from Romania to Moldova ( although on May 31 the Moldovan Foreign Ministry had denied Gen. Grachev 's claims that Romania was supplying Moldova with tanks , claiming that only pontoon bridges and trucks were donated ) .
14 Another law adopted on the same day recognized the principle of press freedom and decreed that the news media should abstain from encouraging intolerance between tribes or races .
15 without any tangible benefit starting at the same day that is your , that is your problem .
16 Hong Kong 's partially elected Legislative Council passed on the same day a motion calling for amendments , particularly to increase provisions for democratic representation and to limit the circumstances in which emergency powers could be assumed by the Chinese authorities .
17 After her death , he advertised for a housekeeper with a view to matrimony but unfortunately the first lady who took the job decamped after a few days , taking with her his prized possessions and helped by a male friend who apparently had kept in the background .
18 The meeting came on the same day the latest casualty of the rent increases left his pub .
19 However , it had welcomed the announcement made on the same day that two other Soviet radar stations , also seen by the USA to violate the ABM treaty , were to be dismantled .
20 Another decree approved on the same day authorized the employment of Albanians abroad .
21 It says here Mr died on the same day as Mr St er was buried .
22 Grandma lay for a few days drifting in and out of sleep , unaware of everything about her , until one afternoon when Julia and Carrie were sitting with her .
23 Doubtless many iron workers put in a few days at a time on different sites ; until quite recently putting out much of the work to contract in small stints on a ‘ labour-only ’ basis was a regular practice in mineral extraction , so leading tax collectors to class earnings as profits rather than wages .
24 A warrant issued on the same day makes it clear that Buckingham 's authority extended over the duchy of York lordship of Ludlow , not specifically mentioned elsewhere .
25 A warrant issued on the same day makes it clear that Buckingham 's authority extended over the duchy of York lordship of Ludlow , not specifically mentioned elsewhere .
26 A counter-demonstration planned on the same day by the FLN was postponed .
27 Secondly , even though group weddings do occur , for example among people like the Samburu of East Africa , where traditionally all the young men of the same age group married on the same day a group of girls , this does not mean that the marriages are any less individual affairs for having been celebrated all at the same time .
28 It means COHSE and NUPE members stopping the sick being admitted to hospital , and it means rail , tube and bus workers striking on the same day and bringing our capital city to a grinding halt .
29 This course began with an all day Saturday event looking at learning styles and modes of behaviour using a variety of psychometric tests .
30 UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont reiterated on the same day that the UK government would take whatever action was necessary to maintain the existing DM2.95 central parity of the pound .
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